Today was a doggie daycare day. I know, I know, the dogs don’t play at doggie daycare, but Hubby and I talked about it and we are okay with them going for the companionship.
We have a routine on daycare day, after I put my purse and tote bag in the car I go back for the dogs. Sampson likes to walk down the driveway and follow the property line up to the telephone pole, where he sniffs and lifts. Delilah is on leash and she and I will follow him down, then we turn and head to the car. Sometimes Sampson is a straggler, he takes his time making his way to the car. That was the case this morning.
Delilah was already in the car when Sampson headed up the drive. I stood at the back of the car waiting for Sampson so I could close the hatch. Just as Sampson reached the car and was getting ready to jump in, it happened.
The hatch began to close. It was almost like slow motion, I saw the hatch falling and I saw Sampson’s head and instinctively I reached out with my hand to grab it. The weight of the hatch brought the back of my hand onto Sampson’s head but I kept the hatch from hitting him. In the process though, I took one for the team.
At first I thought I had broken my pointer and middle finger.
It was really cold and the car hadn’t warmed up so I alternated between placing my fingers on the cold steering wheel and sticking them in my mouth.
Why? Why do we stick our fingers in our mouths when they hurt?
Eventually my fingers warmed up and the numbness faded. I’m not sure if you can tell from the picture, those two fingers are pretty swollen and my middle finger has a horrible bruise and doesn’t bend properly due to the swelling, but they are feeling much better tonight.
The more important thing is Sampson wasn’t afraid to jump into the car this afternoon which means he wasn’t traumatized!
What about you, have you ever had to ‘take one for the team?’
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