Today turned out to be a gorgeous weather day, since the humidity was low I thought maybe we could walk early. 🙂
Hubby was a bit of a harder sell than the dogs but convince him I did, so off we headed for our favorite park.
Before everyone got too tired, I coaxed them into a picture in honor of Father’s Day.
We headed to the back of the park, where we followed a path (actually I think it was a wash) that we had never ventured on before. Eventually we came to an area that was fenced off, so we turned left onto some unmarked trails and we came to some cliffs.
I stared down and couldn’t believe my eyes…..”The Lost World” I said.
There were no houses as far as the eye could see in any direction.
Who knew…right in my own backyard.
We followed the cliff for a short time but I was really nervous about the dogs around such steep cliffs as they kept venturing very close to the edge, so we decided to head home.
I was walking in front of Hubby (I think he likes to look at my ass) and I felt a hard snap at the back of my calf. Hubby is always warning me to look out for snakes, (which is one of the reasons I normally wear long pants when we are hiking.) I turned around to see if I had in fact been attacked by a snake and Hubby said, “It was me.”
He stepped on a stick and it snapped up and hit my calf.
“Better to be hit by a stick, then bit by a snake” I said.
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