Warning, you are about to enter……the Potty Mouth Zone.
If you know me, you should know I am prone to swearing.
Honestly, sometimes the ‘F’ word comes out of my mouth more often than not. My husband was in the military, he’s finally (after 22 years of marriage) toned it down some, but in the beginning it wouldn’t be out of the norm for him to say, “Pass the f***ing” salt. It was one of his bad habits that I picked up. 🙁
Oh I try, I really do but to me, the ‘F’ word can really make a statement much more powerful.
One of my favorite examples is Custer’s last stand. When you compare these two sayings, I think it’s very clear which one is more powerful.
Custer, “Where did all those Indians come from?”
Custer, “Where did all those f***ing Indians come from?”
You get my point?
Sometimes I like to use the military terminology, “Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot” but most of the time “What the f***” is what comes out. Of course if I’m texting, it’s WTF.
Basically I decided to take a play on Wordless Wednesday and change it to WTF Wednesday. It may be a weekly post or it may just be an occasional one, I’m not sure yet. But what inspired it was some news stories regarding animals I’ve seen in the last week.
Mitt Romney
Usually I don’t watch the news, I find it too disturbing, which is probably why I missed the Mitt Romney story when he ran for office in 2008. If you haven’t heard about it (were you under the same rock as me?) you can read the whole article here. The gist of it is, he put his dog in a crate and strapped it to the roof of his car and drove for 12 hours.
From what I can gather, he did this quite often and both he and his wife swear that the dog liked it. Except for the time the dog was sick and messed all over the car. According to Mrs. Romney it was because the dog got into some turkey on the counter and the dog had the ‘runs,’ and had absolutely nothing to do with cars and tractor-trailer trucks flying by them on the highway, while he was strapped in a crate to the luggage rack, and the luggage rode comfortably inside the car.
The incident took place about 30 years ago, and I realize it was a different time and animals were treated differently but Mitt, WTF? Really?
Then as if I wasn’t mad enough his response when asked if he’d do it again was, “Certainly not with the attention it’s received.”
Ok, so what you’re saying is if people didn’t know and react negatively, you’d do it again?
Again Mitt, WTF?
Then I started thinking (tongue in cheek) maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad trait to have in a president. If terrorist were to say….take his wife or one of his children hostage and they let’s say…..shit their pants, well he certainly wouldn’t bend.
He would simply say, they liked being held hostage. He could take all the emotion out of the situation.
Man Pulls Horse Behind Truck
Yes it happened in CT about 20 minutes from where I live. I saw it on my facebook news feed and was totally disgusted. After reading the article I could follow the old guy’s reasoning but still old guy, WTF?
You don’t drag ANY living thing behind a f***ing truck!!
That’s it for my WTF Wednesday. What did you think? Siriously, if you hate it, I won’t do it again.
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