Follow-Up Friday….
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back – Author’s Note
Delilah’s path of destruction has continued this week. She ate a can of Crisco (not the can itself but the shortening inside,) a bag of barbecue pretzels and today she destroyed a can of Salmon Oil.
Yes, I have two lovely spots of oil on the carpets, and the dogs lick them.
She has run off on three separate walks compelling me to pull out the 30 foot leash and keep her on it until we have passed the dangerous spot. The leash severely limits where we can walk, because it has a tendency to get snagged on bushes and trees.
To top it all off, she absolutely REFUSES to sit and remain calm when the food is out for clicker training, she won’t stay down for more than 30 seconds; she either moves to a sitting position or moves her position totally.
She is frustrating me beyond belief and I don’t know what to do. 🙁
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