Today we join our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs blog for This ‘N That Thursday.
Courtesy of 2 Brown Dawgs Blog
“This ‘N That Thursday A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…
Mr. Linky
Has anyone had a problem with the linky tool and contacting the owner?
A couple of weeks ago I went into my linky list to manage my FUF entries and I had a little issue. No problem, I shot Mr. Linky Tools an e-mail asking for clarification and some help with fixing the issue. I got the form e-mail back saying it’s a one man show who handles everything so please be patient.
That was almost two full weeks ago. I’m still waiting for an answer to my question.
Have I mentioned I’m not a very patient person?
Does anyone know if it’s possible to cancel your linky subscription and get your money back?
Lagging Behind
I’m still way behind on reading and commenting on some of your blogs. I have finally given up the google reader and am using Feedly now. So far I really like it and I find it easy to use. I’ve also downloaded Reeder on the iPad and hopefully I can catch up soon.
Free Style
The pressure’s on. Next Tuesday is the last night of Delilah and my Free Style class, we were informed this week that we are expected to do a small routine and we aren’t even close to ready.
So far I’m fairly confident with about four moves, don’t get me wrong, she knows a number of tricks, I’m just not sure how to work them into a routine.
Okay, I can work the show heel in, but touch? I’m not sure. She does know spin and twirl and she’s getting pretty good at weaving between my legs but the last time I tried to get her to jump over my leg she stood on it.
It hurt.
I think I have our song picked out but I’m not sure what we can really put together in terms of a routine. I may be spending this weekend cramming like it was an exam. Any of you take Free Style? Any thoughts on how to throw this routine together?
Co-Hosted Follow-Up Friday
A couple of weeks back I began leaking the FUF co-hostess’ name in hopes of making life a little bit easier for those of you who participate.
So without further ado, my co-hostess for this week’s Follow-Up Friday is Jackie Bouchard from Pooch Smooches. I’m excited to have Jackie co-hosting. Please check back tomorrow for a proper introduction. 🙂
Many thanks to our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs for This ‘N That Thursday.
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