(Sung to the tune of “Looking Out My Back Door” by Credence Clearwater)
Just woke up oh boy, open up the back door
Dogs and I look out, feast our eyes on the snow
Where’s my shovel, where’s my coat?
Gonna need a snow boat
Doot, doot, doot looking out my back door.
The Blizzard of 2013 or as I call it, Charmo.
The snow started Friday, but very slowly. At around 7:00 pm we had about 4 or 5 inches. At 10 pm when we went to let the dogs out for the night, we had over a foot!
Hubby had to go outside and shovel a path.
Both dogs were coaxed off the deck (that speck in the square? That’s the tip of Delilah’s tail.)
Sampson turned right around and headed for the house, Delilah? She peed on the deck.
Holy snow you guys!
When we got up yesterday morning at 6:15 it was still snowing, Delilah went to go outside and she couldn’t push the door open!
This is the view from the floor of the porch looking out at our deck.
I grabbed my coat and shovel, and made a small path out. Both dogs went out, Sampson turned around and went right back in the house. Delilah? She peed on the deck.
This was our deck at 6:15 yesterday morning, before I got the shovel.
Delilah and I went to check out the front of the house, those three lumps you see, those are our cars.
This was right outside the garage before Hubby cleared the driveway, it was still snowing.
This was the end of the driveway.
While Hubby worked on the driveway, I grabbed a shovel and worked my way up the steps to get to our front door so I could get the dogs and get them outside for a potty break. (Sampson finally tinkled after about 14 hours!)
Once we were out I decided we could take a walk, since there weren’t any other dogs out and about!
This is the entrance to our park. 🙁
And settle for a walk down the street.
Later after it had finally stopped snowing and we had cleaned up a bit, I took them out for another walk.
Yup that’s blue sky on our way to see what our park looks like now.
I’m afraid we may not be able to walk in our park for a month!
Here our some other photos from our home and neighborhood after Charmo.
From our front door, before any snow moving was done.
Do you think they got their paper this morning?
The cars have been cleaned off, the bulk of the snow has been moved and the roads are once again open to travel. All that’s left is to remove some snow from the roof and clear a path for the oil delivery scheduled for tomorrow. (He couldn’t make it up the driveway on Friday.)
How did you fare? Were you in the blizzard’s path?
Doot, doot, doot.

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