The thing I dislike about this time of year is it begins to be dark earlier and it stays dark later in the mornings. Many times the dogs and I are walking in the dark.
In the colder months, I have an ear muff with a visor and I have a little light that clips on the visor. (Perfect to keep your hands free for rewarding or picking up….um…stuff.)

This little light of mine…
Except at the end of last winter one of the clips on the light broke AND I can’t find the visor or the light.
So far I haven’t needed a light to walk the dogs either in the morning or evening. Except for last Thursday. Last Thursday we woke up to rain combined with a little bit of fog. Sampson and Delilah don’t care, as long as I’m willing to walk in the weather, they are too.
Some mornings when we walk we never see a person or car. Other mornings there are many people out and about. Because it was darker than normal I needed something to light me up in the darkness. I have no reflective clothing, which is something I really need to get. Sampson and Delilah have reflective vests, but I can only find one.
So we improvised.

Yeah, I’m fashionable!
It’s Hubby’s headlight lamp adjusted to fit over my neck. It worked as a temporary light, but it’s not really functional for walking when it’s dark. And it only highlights me. 🙁
While I typically pay attention to my surroundings and either place the dogs on the inside between my body and the curb, or bring them up off the road, I’d still like them to have something that is either reflective or lights up.
Amy from Go Pet Friendly shared a post last week highlighting some great new products she found at SuperZoo, one of which is a new line of reflective gear from Alcott, and these are definitely on my list of items to check out.
I know many of you walk your dogs at night or early morning, and I was wondering, what do you use for your dogs to make sure they are visible to any cars you might encounter? For me it’s not feasible to carry a flashlight, I’m not coordinated enough. 🙂
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