The last couple of days the world has waited with bated breath for the Duchess of Cambridge to give birth. I don’t understand the hype about the royal baby.
News flash people: Women have been pushing babies out of their hey-nonner-nonner since the world began. It’s a fact of life. That baby was going to be born whether reporters stood outside the hospital or not.
I’ve got more interesting things to watch at my house.
I’m on wildlife watch.
It all started on Sunday night. I stepped outside to capture the beauty of the sunset.
I thought I might get a better shot if I stepped down the driveway a bit.
Just as I snapped the photo I saw something moving really fast down the street.
My bionic eye could make out it was a fox, but it was too fast for the camera. Can you see it on the other side of the street? (Note to self: you really need to get a better camera.)
Let me blow it up for you.
Yup that sucks too. But at least PicMonkey let me add the arrow. If you look real close, you can make it out. Or maybe it’s just me. Because I know it’s there.
Flash forward to Monday night : I’m sitting on the couch in my underwear, cooling down after our walk, when the dogs suddenly go ballistic.
Hubby says “There’s a fox on the lawn.”
Sampson said, “Roo roo roo” which is dog for “Hey there’s a friend outside and it’s in my yard, let me out, I want to play.”
I jumped up and said, “I’ve got to get my camera. Stay there little fox, while I grab my camera. I want to make you famous by putting your picture on my little blog.”
Sadly despite the fact that I am a deer whisperer my skills have not evolved so I can speak fox. I reached the window in time to see the fox run along the side of the house across the street.
Drats! Foiled again.
Thankfully I had the sense NOT to run out the door after the fox. Can you imagine? Me, running across the street in my bra and panties? I bet there’d be a huge run on bleach as the neighbors blinded themselves trying to remove that image from their retinas.
Last night I put the camera on the window sill when we got back from our walk. But I got nothing.
So we wait. With bated breath. What the hell does that mean anyway? And who comes up with these sayings?
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