Warning. Some of the photos you are about to see are GROSS. Reader discretion advised.
There’s something about this time of year that makes our darling diva go off the rails.
I’m not really sure what it is, if it’s Cabin Fever, Seasonal Afflective Disorder or maybe it’s just the static in my house. I’ve noticed a definite increase in static lately.
Long time followers of this blog will know that Delilah a.ka. the Diva of Destruction typically contains her destroying to napkins/paper towels/dryer sheets and of course, toys that need destuffing.
EXCEPT for this time of year. This time of year, you never know what Delilah will go for.
Take for instance the grandkid’s book box. It’s a little canvas box I have filled with storybooks and a couple children’s puzzles. This Christmas we added some coloring books and colored pencils. The box sits on the floor in a corner of my living room.
It’s sat there for four years. During those four years, Delilah has never even looked at it, let alone approached it.
That is until Thursday. Thursday she got some wild hair across her ass and decided she’d tear up the contents of the toy box.
Hubby came home to this.
Typically we don’t yell or scold her when she destroys something. Mostly I feel like it’s our fault for leaving whatever it was lying around. Except this time I’m told, some yelling went on. I wasn’t there, I have to take Hubby’s word for it.
All I know is she was quite content to lie on her bed while I cleaned up her mess. Thankfully she only destroyed the boxes the puzzles came in, so I was able to salvage the actual puzzles and they are now in ziploc bags. She had a go at one of the books, but didn’t damage it.
But the box of colored pencils was destroyed.
Over the years we’ve giggled at the thought that perhaps Sampson was actually the one destroying things and letting Delilah take the blame for it.
I’m here to tell you, that theory has been permanently laid to rest. The proof as they say, is in the pudding.
Or in Delilah’s case, the poop.
Honestly while I was cleaning up the mess in the living room, it never once crossed my mind that she might have actually EATEN any of the pencils, but sure enough, the proof was there, staring me right in the face.
Thursday night I giggled when I looked down and saw the bits of red, green, blue and purple staring back up at me.
But yesterday morning, she was still pooping pencils.
Big bits of pencils.
- As my four-year old granddaughter said, “That’s disgusting.”
- Totally disgusting.
Why can’t she poop something I can use, like money? Oh and for the record, the other day on our walk I called her Diva and she responded to me.
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