This week I’ve been truly humbled and honored by two of my fellow bloggers.
Because I am probably going to blather on and on over each award, I intend on blogging about one today and one tomorrow.
The first award came from our dear blogging friend Misty Shores Chesapeakes it is called Hope Unites Globally and is also known as the HUG award©.
“The HUG award was initiated by Connie Wayne at A Hope For Today, which promotes hope, love, peace, equality, and unity for all people.”
When you check out A Hope For Today, you will see the Hug Award© also has what I’m going to refer to as a motto that says,
Hug the hurt.
Kiss the broken.
Befriend the lost.
Love the lonely.
Do you find that as beautiful as I do?
I like to think I apply those traits in my life as often as I can, but so many times I feel like my resources are stretched too thin and I don’t have the time, energy, finances to do all that my soul wants to do.
Most times I feel woefully inadequate to even write a daily blog, never mind heal the broken.
There are many reasons why a person could receive the Hug Award© but this one really resonated with me, “The HUG Award©is for people who have a hope or an expectant desire that the work or talents they use in things such as blogging, public speaking, charity work, etc., will make a positive impact on the world.”
I’d like to hope at some point in my life, my actions or words will make a difference for someone.
That someone stumbling across this blog will read about Delilah’s exploits and will find hope that they too can live with a dog that at times does exhibit some wild, crazy behavior.
That someone will read my words and have hope that they are not alone, that there are others who will offer you encouragement and support when you need it the most. Which is something I feel I receive from you on a daily basis.
The award can be passed on (but it doesn’t have to be) it does require linking back to the original site, which I have done and I also need to leave a comment with Connie, letting her know who I am passing the award on to.
You are all so deserving of this award because at some point in time, you have given me hope, but I am going to limit my choices to two.
Kristine at Rescued Insanity. Honestly, Kristine gives me so much hope and inspiration. Her whirling dervish known as Shiva has done things that I don’t think Delilah in her wildest dreams would think of doing. (Seriously, I’m going to ask Kristine to link the Tim Horton’s incident. It is priceless.) But does Kristine give up hope? No, instead Kristine works her dog, she finds new experiences for Shiva and she finds so many valuable blogs, training guides/books/tutorials that I sometimes wonder where she finds the time to write a blog, nevermind train her dog. 🙂
Pamela Douglas Webster at Something Wagging This Way Comes. Pamela is another blogger that inspires me. Pamela inspires me to be a better person. Pamela has the rare gift to see both sides of a situation but better yet, she has the intelligence and finesse to simplify the facts and present them clearly and concisely. If ever I am unsure of what to do, or what’s going on, I check out Something Wagging to see what Pamela has to say.
Pamela is currently using her Golden Retriever, Honey for the “Puppiness Project” based upon Gretchen Rubin’s book, The Happiness Project. Every Tuesday Pamela posts about something that makes Honey happy and how Pamela can learn to live as happily as Honey does.
Thank you again to Misty Shores, I am truly honored and touched by the HUG award.
Book Update: My book has 12,000 words.

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