My ethnicity would be 100% Irish if my mother had only been a bit more particular when choosing her mate.
Ah well, we can’t have everything in life, right? I guess, I’ll just have to settle for 50%.
Wearing of the green, some call it, but I was brought up that Irish Catholics wear green, while Irish Protestants wear orange. As a kid I’d wear orange, but as I grew up I stopped wearing specific colors and instead bedecked myself with hats, pins and ears.
Yes, I have Leprechaun ears.
No, you can’t see a picture.
Our traditions for the day is to have a Corned Beef dinner. This is one of our favorite dinners. We put the Corned Beef into a pot and into that we throw potatoes (a great staple of the Irish,) carrots and cabbage.
If I can find a recipe for Gluten-Free Soda bread, we will have that as well.
I buy enough Corned Beef to have leftovers, because Hubby makes an awesome Corned Beef Hash. Which is as good if not better than the original dinner.
Because I waited until the last-minute, I once again did not plan a photo shoot for today’s post. Instead I slapped my Irish hat on each of the dogs and attempted photos.
Sampson is tolerant, he doesn’t care for it, but he’ll do it.
Delilah not so much, I was lucky enough to snap this before she tossed it off and carried it away.
And just because I can, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite Irish Blessings, whose author is unknown.
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? If not, what are your cherished ethic celebrations?
Happy St. P Day, from all of us at Heart Like a Dog!!
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