Do you believe in reincarnation?
I’m not sure whether I do or not. Although when I’m sad or feeling sorry for myself, I have speculated if I was reincarnated, I must have been someone BAD in my other life. Like Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan.
But I digress.
My sister has a theory regarding children…..they are either old souls or new souls.
A new soul is one of those children that are into everything! Everything they see goes into their mouths, you will need locks on your cabinets, you will need to cover your electrical outlets. They will be the daredevils in sports, willing to try any and everything.
An example of a new soul is my granddaughter. If you put something down, she is right there to pick it up, you need to have your eye on her constantly or she will get into trouble.
On the other hand an old soul is just the opposite. These are the children who seem to take everything in stride. They seem to already know what life is about and how to fit in.
An example of an old soul is my niece, she never put things in her mouth and she never crawled, she went straight to walking. She likes 40’s Jazz music, and classic looks. Not much shakes her up.
I’ve expanded my sister’s theory to include animals. If I were to evaluate Sampson and Delilah based upon the old soul/new soul scale, I would have to say Sampson is an old soul and Delilah is a new soul.
Sampson is laid back, easy-going and not much shakes him up.
Delilah on the other hand is into everything! Nothing is off-limits as to what goes into her mouth. No, I do take that back, I’m eternally grateful that she has never (knock on wood) chewed a shoe, but that’s about the only thing.
It does not have to be food related either, her favorite things to rip apart are dryer sheets, plastic bags (food residue or no,) and tissues/paper towels/napkins. This doesn’t mean that she won’t chew something else, just given her choice she would prefer to choose from those objects listed above.
Which explains her Modus operandi this morning.
Do you buy into the old soul/new soul theory? If so, have you noticed any of old soul/new soul traits?
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