Today we are joining our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs blog for is This ‘N That Thursday. Because some days you have a little of this or a little of that. It’s anything goes day!
Many thanks to our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs blog.
Once upon a time, in a land faraway (Florida) there lived a beautiful Princess (well actually she wasn’t really a “princess” she was a German Shepherd dog, but she was named Princess) who lived with her loving owner.
One day her vet (a doctor for dogs) found a lump on Princess’ mammary gland. He aspirated it (drew some fluid) but couldn’t tell for sure if it was cancerous.
The good and wise vet said, “This tumor has to go.”
This decree put Princess’ poor owner (Denise) into despair. The surgery was going to cost a lot of money that she did not have, but how could she not help her sweet and beautiful Princess?
Luckily for Princess and Denise, there are some good and kind people at a the Magic Bullet Fund who agreed to pay a portion of Princess’ surgery, but Denise has to raise the rest. As of this writing she is only $419 short of the $1,600.00 needed!! The link to donate is here, Princess’ story is the third one on the page.
The rest of the story.
Denise is actually the cousin to one of Blogville’s own, Donna from Donna and the Dogs. Donna has been working on putting a GSD calendar together to help Denise raise the remaining funds, unless we can raise the funds first. The good thing is the fund is set up so you can donate any amount! Why the other night when I was struggling to figure it out (come on, you know how challenged I can be) Donna went in to check and donated another $1, just to check and see if it was working.
So can you spare $1? Maybe you can forgo your Starbucks coffee today and donate $3. (How much does a Starbucks coffee cost anyway? I’m cheap, I make my own.)
If you don’t have cash to spare, it’s okay, you can still help. All you need to do is to share Princess’ story on your social media sites.
What do you say? Are you up for a challenge?
Oh and just because I can, here’s another cute photo of Princess.
Whadda ya waitin’ for? Start sharing!
Follow-Up Friday
Join me tomorrow for Follow-Up Friday, where I’ll wrap up this week, answer some of your questions and introduce you to a new co-hostess, Dawn from Pet Auto Safety.
That’s a This ‘N That Thursday wrap-up, many thanks to our friends at the 2 Brown Dawgs blog.

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