The Dogs of Blogville Calendar contest is an online fundraising event to benefit two of our fellow bloggers. Lauren from Life with Desmond and Roxanne from Champion of My Heart.
Lauren, her husband Joey and their dog Desmond were hit very heavily by Hurricane Sandy. They lost everything on the first floor of their house.
Lilly from Champion of My Heart is fighting a serious, extremely rare reaction to the Rabies vaccine. Roxanne and her husband have spent thousands of dollars trying to save Lilly’s life.
My hope is the proceeds from this calendar contest/sale will help each of them in some small way.
You’ve waited very patiently for this contest and I suppose I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. So let me set forth some guidelines.
- This is a Dogs of Blogville Calendar, your photos should include dogs. If a cat happens to be in a photo with the dog, that’s fine. No pictures will be accepted with only cats in them.
- Thirteen different dogs/blogs will be showcased on the calendar (one for the cover and one for each of the 12 months of the year.)
- The 13 photos with the top votes will be included in the calendar.
- Which photo is showcased for which month will be determined randomly.
- Because of time constraints and fairness, only one photo per blog can be submitted. (I know in a previous post I said you could submit more than one, but I think it needs to be fair and we need to make sure that 13 different blogs are showcased.)
- No photoshopping allowed. The experienced photo shoppers that have offered to help will make the decision regarding editing of pictures. For fairness the only editing that will be allowed will be removing unwanted items from the picture, cropping and adding text which will include the pet’s name(s) and the blog name and address.
If I submitted this photo, I would want the bag removed.
- Photos should be submitted in jpeg format.
- The photo should be original digitals, no scanned photos!
- The submittal phase starts now and will run until midnight eastern standard time next Tuesday, November 13, 2012.
- Pictures and voting will take place on this blog.
- The voting process will run for a week. I don’t as yet know which week, it will depend upon how many photos are submitted and how long it takes me to get them all organized.
- Heart Like a Dog reserves the right to change or modify the rules as needed.
- If a photo is deemed of poor quality we reserve the right to request a different photo.
I realize some people may have an advantage in promoting their picture. Some of you have hundreds, if not thousands of blog subscribers, twitter and facebook followers, some people thrive on competition, I can’t change that. I would just ask that you be kind to your fellow bloggers as you promote yourselves.
By submitting a photo for this contest, you agree to abide by the above stated rules.
So I suppose you want to know where to send your photos to?
Submit your photos to be sure to include Calendar Contest in the subject line.
Make sure the name of your pets and the name and address of your blog are included in the body of the e-mail
Any questions? Have you already picked out a picture?
My book word count is 7,576

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