Today we’re joining our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs blog for This ‘N That Thursday. You know some days you have a little of this, or a little of that? Anything goes! Many thanks to our friends at 2 Brown Dawgs Blog for this awesome blog hop.
Back to our old stomping grounds:
Tuesday Sampson had an appointment at the vet’s for one of his cold laser treatments. Since it was a six o’clock appointment I asked Hubby to walk Delilah and after the appointment Sampson and I ventured over to our old stomping grounds at the local community college.
The college has a really lovely biking/walking path, in fact before we moved to our current house, Sampson and I used to walk there just about every day.
Most of the pictures turned out blurry because let’s face it; it’s damn hard to take a picture when you’re being tugged down a path by an 87 pound dog.
I should have thought to bring some water because poor Butter was hot. Don’t worry, I blasted the air once we got in the car.
I love walking with both my dogs, but it was nice to have just some Sampson and me time in a place that has some wonderful memories.
Do you know what your brand is? I sure the hell don’t.
Julie explains it like this, “Branding is the story, image and personality of your blog, your blog’s soul. It’s what people think about when your blog comes to mind.”
Try as I might I can’t figure out just what this blog does consistently. When I think what I want this blog to represent I want it to be a place people come to for support, comfort, humor, encouragement. How do you ‘brand’ that?
It’s left me pretty down in the dumps trying to figure this out. I mean, I can look at someone else’s blog and make suggestions to them, I just can’t do it with my own. I thought maybe you could help me.
So tell me my friends. What do you think about when you hear “Heart Like a Dog?” Do you have any insights for me?
Follow-Up Friday
I woke up at about 4 this morning and realized with a start, that I had no one scheduled to co-host with me this week. Thankfully, I’m blessed to count some incredible bloggers as my friends and I’m super pleased to let you know that once again the Amazing Flea will be co-hosting Follow-Up Friday tomorrow.
Tune in folks, same bat time, same bat channel.

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