This Little Piggy Went to Narnia
I hesitate to even put this in writing lest I jinx us, but it seems like spring might actually have arrived in our neck of the woods.
With nicer weather comes all the fair weather dog walkers, (hey jackass, newsflash, your dog likes to walk in the winter too) and of course people outside working in their yards. I notice these things as we walk because I am constantly on alert, but Sampson and Delilah who are determined to sniff and pee on all things do not.
They of course noticed the people working in the yard, but they didn’t pay enough attention to WHAT they were working on, which is how I saw the piggy a whole day before they did.
I was busy when they spotted it. I was taking pictures of the lamp post that leads to Narnia. Don’t believe me?
Explain this.

Does it look used? No, no it does not. For all intents and purposes, this lamp post has no purpose. Except to transport me to Narnia.
It’s okay, I can’t explain it either. I want to go up and touch it, but I’m worried. Will the dogs go through with me if I’m holding their leashes, or will they have to touch the lamp post themselves? If I go through while holding their leashes will I be able to pull them through? If we all go through, will the dogs be able to talk because they weren’t born in Narnia? If they can talk will Delilah then give me a piece of her mind? Will I be able to find my way back home? Will I want to?
All of these questions remain unanswered so I haven’t touched the post yet.
Anyhoo, so while I was busy snapping pictures and pondering the finer points of touching the post, Sampson and Delilah noticed the pig. Which of course, piqued their curiosity and naturally we had to go investigate.
Why couldn’t they have noticed the post? I would like to investigate THAT!
Oh I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Home Owner, my dogs dragged me across your lawn, you know, the one that doesn’t have a sidewalk but instead has this lamp post in the middle of the yard…How weird you have a lamp post in the middle of the yard…Has anyone ever mentioned how much you look like Tilda Swinton?… Is that a snowflake?…Why no, I wouldn’t like any Turkish delight, thank you very much. Sampson, Delilah, it’s time to go!
I don’t know what the dogs thought. Maybe they thought it was another dog, or maybe they knew it was a pig, or perhaps they thought a dog met a pig and they had wee pog babies, but whatever they thought, they both needed to inspect the little pig.
This Little Piggy Cried Wee Wee Wee
With the warmer weather comes the icky bugs, so every day before our walk I spray the dogs with my natural bug spray. After he’s sprayed, Sampson for some reason known only to him, runs into the living room and rolls around, ‘swimming’ on the carpet. You know, he lays on his side and puts his front paws up and brings them down. Looks like he’s swimming.
Monday as I was spraying Delilah and Sampson was rubbing it in (as I call it) I heard him yip. I looked at him, couldn’t see anything wrong so I just assumed he’d rubbed the wrong way with the harness on.
Tuesday when I got home and we were reconnecting, I noticed one of his dew claws looked odd. Sort of like one nail was growing on top of the other. I touched it to check it and I could see it was sore for him, so I called the vet and took him in. (For those keeping score, 2 calls to the vet this week, 1 visit.)
After examining the nail, Dr. Allen determined that he had completely split his dew claw on one side and partially on the other.
I had two choices.
The first was to give him some general anesthesia and remove as much of the nail as possible.
The second was to remove the dead part of the nail, put some Bacitracin on it and wrap the crap out of it, in hopes of giving the nail time to heal and hope the swelling will go down.
Dr. Allen suggested the later along with some Carprofen to help reduce the swelling of the quick and I happily agreed. After trimming the nail, she wrapped it really, really well and then rubbed some bitter apple on the wrapping. Of course, someone wasn’t exactly happy with the wrapping.
And I wasn’t happy either after trying to jam his foot into the booty yesterday morning then putting my hand in my mouth.
It’s bitter alright, but it sure didn’t taste like any apple I’ve ever eaten.
But if we can keep it dry, and give it time to settle down, hopefully we have a shot at helping it to heal up without surgery.
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