My darling Delilah,
Today is six months since your Dad and I made the heartbreaking decision to send you to the bridge.
I should have written about that day well before now, but truthfully, I was so shattered, I just couldn’t sit down and write it out.
2020 was a shit year. It was for everyone. The only saving grace for me was that I was able to be home with you and Sampson in your last days.
We helped Sampson to the bridge in May, it was horrible for me as you well know. But you saved me. You got me up in the morning, gave me purpose to my day. You snuggled me at night and your fur caught my tears as I cried for my boy.
I always said you wanted to be an only dog and I’m truly grateful you had that opportunity. For seven months, you were the center of our world.
On your gotcha day, long, long ago, I I promised you I wouldn’t be another human that failed you. So on that horrible day in December, when you gave us the signal you were ready to leave and even though we weren’t, we honored you, your life and your decision and we let you go.
Our journey was never an easy one. In the early years I couldn’t take you off leash as you would run off. You’d find ways to escape the yard and go off exploring, ignoring our requests to come back. You ate EVERYTHING, chocolate, supplements, colored pencils, butter, pancake batter, corned beef (off the counter!), oil in the spaghetti pan, you even took a hot dog right from the pan on the stove! I used to joke the vet’s office would take bets before answering the phone, to see what you’d eaten that week.
Delilah, you were the dog I never knew I wanted or needed. You were wild, determined, stubborn. You lived life to the fullest, did whatever the hell you wanted. You challenged me, pushed me to the brink, frustrated the hell out of me. But that process bonded us, it taught us to trust each other, to have faith in each other and yes, to love each other.
You taught us that sometimes, journeys aren’t straight forward or easy, that sometimes the things we want aren’t always what we think they are, but having faith and perseverance can bring us so much joy.
I never thought your loss would be harder than Sampson’s, yet here we are. Six months later and my heart is still shattered. I miss you SO much, it’s like an incredible ache in my heart. I feel empty and lost. I feel like I’m in a place of darkness and I can’t find my way out.
You were a dog that legends are made of and your legend lives on in this blog. It will live on in any dogs we have in the future.
You and I weren’t perfect, but we were perfect together and I’m so, so grateful that you picked me to be your mom.
Rest easy my princess,

You’ve got me crying. What a beautiful, loving tribute to your darling girl. Delilah – and Sampson – will always have a special place in my heart. Know that you are truly in my thoughts and prayers.
Such a lovely tribute to our old pal Delilah. RIP, sweet girl. You will be missed by many. Prayers for your family to heal. We know when the time is right you will send them the right doggie to love again.
Love and licks,
Cupcake and Mom
Oh, now we have teary eyes too. It takes forever to get over losing a furry one which means you never really get over it. We are so sorry for you, and you have no furry ones to help you along. Hugs to you and cherish all the memories.
I am so so glad you and Delilah found each other. It’s astounding how much loving a dog can change and affect our lives, as well as break our hearts. Thinking of you and sending all my love.
Such a beautiful tribute and such a beautiful relationship you and Delilah had. Sending hugs and love.
Such a lovely poignant post. Fifteen months after Sam departed this mortal world, I know all to well the heartbreak you continue to feel. Sending loving thoughts of comfort your way. I’m quite ‘pawsitive’ that D-Dog is showing Sam to up his noshing habits (he only managed to eat expensive leather wallets, purses and daytimers. He’s probably showing her how to be a pogo stick in heaven and they’re probably having a good watch over us both, tails wagging furiously.
Ohhh how I loved this post, sending you (((hugs))) of comfort……I read this paragraph and it reminds me so much of Levi and I…..(Levi is often the most difficult dog EVER)……this paragraph that you wrote, gives me hope “Delilah, you were the dog I never knew I wanted or needed. You were wild, determined, stubborn. You lived life to the fullest, did whatever the hell you wanted. You challenged me, pushed me to the brink, frustrated the hell out of me. But that process bonded us, it taught us to trust each other, to have faith in each other and yes, to love each other.”
I know that Levi and I love each other very much, but he is THE MOST frustrating dog ever. He also does “whatever the hell he wants”……he is a work in progress. I know how much you loved Delilah, we did too and we miss her so much! Sending you lots of love.
That really was a wonderful tribute to your sweetie, it’s always so difficult. Hugs from all of us.
What beautiful words for Delilah, I know how much your heart must still hurt. If only it got easier, but really it doesn’t. Big hugs and love.