My love, today it is one year since we helped you to the Bridge. It has been the hardest, saddest year of my life. Not only have we suffered through a pandemic and a year of isolation, I’ve also been dealing with a herniated disc, which gives me excruciating back pain. I thought it was on the mend, but just this past week it started up again. As you know, Delilah joined you in December. She helped me so much after you left. We knew we didn’t have a lot of time left with her, because of her age, but we had hoped she would be with us at least through the spring.Sadly, the best laid plans and all that.
I swear I have cried more this past year than I have cried my entire life. The only thing I can say about this year is, I’m still here. But I’m lost, so lost. You and Delilah were such an intricate part of my life and right now, I’m struggling to make sense of how to continue without you. I wish there were visiting hours in Heaven, as I would give anything to see you and snuggle you again.
Know that I miss you every single minute of every single day and life is just not the same without you my love.
Until we meet again, I love you with all my heart and soul.

Sharing your sadness, my heart aches for you.
Oh Jodi, I am so sorry. Losing them both in such a short time is so awful and sad and hard. That first year after losing Daisy and Jasper, I went through life in a haze. I cried every day. If I could have had visiting hours in heaven, I would have taken it, every day.
You have the added sadness of pandemic isolation and the herniated disc. I pray that will stop giving you the pain you suffered before. I also hope that the pain in your heart will ease as well.
It is so very hard. Time does help a bit, but it can take a lot of time, like years before that happens. I can’t imagine not having a dog at all after spending so many years with your two. As much as I love my girls, I still miss Emma terribly. Hugs to you and hope your disc pain also gets better.
Oh, Jodi, my dear, sweet friend, my heart aches for you. As Joy said, time helps us heal but sometimes time takes a while. I wish I had magic words to help you, but they don’t exist. Just know I’m here for you.
I’m so sorry. So much change, stress and pain. I don’t know that I can say it gets easier, but it does change. Love you and hate you’ve had to go through and continue to go through all of this.
My heart is filled with sorrow for your loss. My tears are flowing with you. Sweet Sampson was such a precious boy. Gentle thoughts of comfort as well as healing thoughts for your ailing back are flowing your way. 💔
Hugs as you remember your sweet guy, today and every single day. We totally understand.
Oh Jodi, I sooo wish I lived near you, I sooo want to give you a hug. I know how deeply you are hurting, I wish I could help ease the pain. Thinking of you with love and keeping you close to my heart. (((hugs)))
I wish you’d had Delilah for longer to help you too….one loss is hard enough to take.
Things are looking up pandemic-wise, I think, fingers crossed, and I hope that helps some.
I’m so sorry your back pain is coming back too though. Being in physical pain just seems to make emotional pain that much worse. Sending big hugs and love. ♥