The very first time I heard the phrase, “Days of Grace” was from Kim at Life at Golden Pines.
Days of Grace simply put means, when your pet is at the end of their journey and your vet has told you your time is limited and your pet continues on past that predicted day, you are now living with Days of Grace. Those precious days, hours and minutes that go beyond what you expected.
This is where we are with Sampson. Days of Grace.
Sampson’s back legs have been failing for quite a while now. We are giving him as much support as we can, but we know our time is short. He is on pain medication, nerve blockers, anti-inflammatories, joint support. I walk him twice a day to help keep those joints moving.

Last Sunday, Sampson couldn’t get up. He’s part Lab, so of course he tried, but he just couldn’t manage it. He couldn’t get up to eat, to drink or to pee. Hubby managed to get him outside so he could relieve himself (Sampson, not Hubby) and I said, “I don’t want it to be at the emergency vet.”
We managed to get Sampson into a double harness, which we left him in overnight on Sunday. It allowed Hubby to get Sampson outside twice a day to potty.

Monday I called the vet and brought Sampson in. My son-in-law was able to help me get Sampson to the car and then he lifted him in. Hubby met me at the vet and the staff came out and helped us get Sampson inside, he laid on the blanket and that’s where he stayed.
After examining him the vet said those words no pet owner wants to hear, “His quality of life is not there.”
As we sat there chatting with our vet and getting the information for in-home euthanasia, Hubby and I mentioned how Sampson had chased the cat on Saturday and tried to do some running on his walk. We wondered if maybe he had just overdone it and needed some time to rest. Our vet recommended we give him a full dose of Adequan the next morning and give him a couple of days. She said if he doesn’t rally, then he’s telling us it’s time.
I sobbed all the way home.
Tuesday morning, Sampson was pretty much the same. Hubby and I got him out to potty and he made his way to the gate. His will for the walk was there, but his body denied him.
I gave him a full shot of Adequan, left instructions with my grandson to give him his meds and went to work. I spent the day reading up on euthanasia, preparing myself for what’s to come.
On my lunch, I went to the market and bought three pounds of steak. When the woman at the counter said something about the cut of meat, I told her it was for the dog. She gave me a funny look until I said, “He’ll be leaving us soon and I want him to have his favorite foods.” She turned away from me then.
My grandson Facetimed me Tuesday afternoon and I walked him through getting Sampson’s meds. A half hour later, my grandson Facetimed me again, Sampson had stood up and walked to his water bowl!
When I Hubby and I got home Tuesday night, Sampson was waiting at the back door to go outside to potty. He tottered over to greet us, then back to the door, outside to potty, then made his way over to his ‘happy place.’
Wednesday night, Sampson wanted his walk. I kept it short, but he did it and he’s done it every day since.

Days of Grace.

Reading this was reading this made me sad and happy. Those up and down days are so hard. The days of grace sounds so much better. I am glad you have them.
I know this is so hard Jodi. Between my tears, I am sending you nothing but love. Saying goodbye is so damn hard.
I know you know. You had such a rough period for a while. I am so grateful to have your support. Thank you.
So sorry that Sampson is slowing, hope he has a few more good days ahead. I have a 14 year old Boston who is getting much worse lately. He has problems getting up, so I understand how you feel. God bless and good luck.
Thank you and good luck with your precious fur baby.
Jodi, I am crying as I am writing this because I know the feelings that are in your heart and soul when thinking about and preparing for the loss of your precious boy. I know that each “day of grace” is and has been truly a gift, and you are treasuring and savoring each one. My continued prayers are coming to you for you and Samson, that these days, that are filled with love and those tender moments, continue to be the best of days.
Thank you Kim, I know you know how hard this is. I thank you so much for your support and wisdom. I don’t know how you continue to do it.
They’re time with us is never long enough is it? He’s a good boy and I love that yellow furball like he’s my own. If he’s still showing signs of wanting to go for walks that’s a good thing. I’m thinking of you hun xox
Thank you, I’m grateful to have you and Merlin and am so glad so many people love Sampson.
Oh my, it reminds me of Katie. Just when I thought she couldn’t do any more, she would be better. Sampson is so sweet and we hope those days of Grace go on for a while for you all. You will know when it is time. I actually saw the light go out of Katie’s eyes that last day. She gave up the fight and I honored her wish, even though I didn’t want to. Love Sampson up good, spoil him rotten, talk to him about everything you can think of, remissness about all your years together. Getting time to do that is such a gift. I never had that with Emma and it made things so much harder. This is a tough time for you, but embrace it. He knows how much you love him. Hugs to you both.
Thank you. There was a day, just before Christmas, when I looked at him and he stared at me and I got the feeling he was going to be leaving soon. I’ve been talking to him and telling him how much I love him and I’m taking your advice and reminding him of our adventures and that we’ve been together before and will be again.
I’m sorry you didn’t get that time with Emma, I hope you’ve been able to get some closure on that.
Hugs to you all and to dear Sampson too. We do understand, when we had sweet doggies here they both went through that same thing with their hind legs. Those up and about times are very special.
Thank you. We know so many of our friends have been through this and can appreciate what we are going through. It helps to know you are here.
Sending love your way. Vividly remember going through similar times with my dog Carter, and all the times I broke down… “Days of Grace” is such a beautiful way of putting it.
Thank you, I love how “Days of Grace’ sounds. It’s a way to remind me to be grateful for precious time.
I break down sometimes too. How can we not? They are so precious to us.
Oh Jodi, this is beautiful! I – like so many others among us – know all too well the ups and downs you’re going through. But “Days of Grace” is a wonderful way to think of the limited time we have left with our much-loved companions. May each of dear Sampson’s remaining days be filled with grace. You know I love your boy as much as I do my own. Sending much love to both of you, always. And my girls and Radar will continue their guardian angel “duties” for as long as necessary.
I know you know. I wish you didn’t. The heartache is sometimes unbearable. Thank you and thank you for having your angels watch over us.
Sending loving thoughts your way.
Thank you, we appreciate it.
I’ve been thinking of you and Sampson so much. This really brought tears to my eyes because I know just exactly how you are feeling. While I know it’s still tough, I am happy for you that you are getting these “Days of Grace”. I love thinking of it that way.
Big hugs to you and give Sampson a smooch from us. ♥♥♥
Thank you for thinking of us. I know you know and I’m sad so many of my friends know this feeling. I think “Days of Grace” is a wonderful way of looking at it.
Sending lots of love to you, Sampson and the rest of the family! I’m glad that he has land legs back!
Thank you, it took us by surprise, but it is a good surprise!
The best of boys. They are so loved and with us for so short a time.
It just doesn’t seem right, does it?
Jodi, I am so sorry you’re at this stage with him. I’m thinking of you guys, and sending hugs. Roxy is in the stage of grace, and we are taking it one day at a time.
I’m sorry for you and Roxy too, Mary. I will be holding you all close in my thoughts and prayers.
I’m so glad he rallied so that you can have a bit more time with him. Lots of love to you all.
Thank you Donna, we are grateful for every minute with him.
Jodi, this hurts my heart so much to read. Even more so because of how much Bear’s struggled over the past year. It seems like every day for me is completely dependent on the day he is having. Don’t get me wrong – I’m so glad he’s here and I can’t even conceive of life without him – but that little stumble out of the litter box, not being able to jump up his beloved cat tree, a day he doesn’t eat a whole lot and kind of seems like a shadow of his former self … knowing how full of life he used to be … it’s a special kind of personal hell. So far, there’s always been a better day after so many not so good days – but I know that one of these times, that will not be the case. And I just don’t know how I’ll face it when the time comes. Sampson seems to be telling you he wants to keep fighting – you see that when he comes to greet you, when he wants a walk, when he takes that little extra step that he doesn’t have to. I wish I could give you a hug. But I hope you know that no matter how long we’ve been out of touch – no matter what happens – I am ALWAYS here for you and I truly do care about you both.
Thank you Kat, I appreciate you reaching out despite all you are going through. I left you a comment on your post about Bear. I want to let you know the street runs both ways. I’m here for you as well. None of this is easy and helping each other will get us through it. Hugs.