Happy St. Patrick’s Day everyone!
Sampson Stone here spinning an Irish tale about a dog named Delilah and how she got herself some corned beef.
Did you know Corned Beef is NOT a traditional Irish food? I was surprised too, but when Mom did a little research she discovered that cows were originally sacred in Ireland, so when meat was eaten, it was usually lamb or pork.
Even though Mom is Irish, she doesn’t care what they’d eat in Ireland today, today she’s eating corned beef! And let me tell you, that woman will NOT share her corned beef, she’s super stingy like that.
BUT, once, many years ago Delilah scored herself some corned beef. Here’s how it went down.
Delilah had only been with us about 10 months and back then, she and I still went to Doggy Daycare, Mom would pick us up after work and bring us home.
According to Mom, Dad makes a mean corned beef hash. At least that’s what she says, because neither Delilah or I have ever had corned beef hash. We are only allowed to lick the plate, which the way those two lick their plates, there’s barely any left for us.
Well, because Dad (supposedly) makes this awesome corned beef hash, when Mom makes corned beef, she makes enough for extras. Dad has this cool little meat grinder and he attaches it to the counter and grinds up the corned beef.
So this particular day, Dad had decided to make his corned beef hash. While Delilah and I were at Doggy Daycare, Dad ground up that corned beef and put it on a plate on the counter.
Delilah and I ran in the house and Dad had something to tell Mom, so the two of them chatted at the dining room table. I had run straight for the water bowl, because I’m always so thirsty, but Delilah, Delilah ran straight to the counter.
All of a sudden I heard Mom say, “What’s that sound?”
Yup. It was Delilah, front paws on the counter, inhaling that corned beef.
The next thing I heard was Mom saying, “I’ll take care of her.”
Dad was mad. So mad, I think he saw red! I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears!
But Mom stayed cool, she took Delilah by her collar and put her right in the crate! She had to stay in there for something like 20 minutes or so.
I think Delilah knew she was in trouble, because she usually barks when Mom isolates her, but she didn’t do it that day. She laid right down and kept her big yap shut.
And that my wee lassie and laddies is how a Chocolate Labrador named Delilah had herself a corned beef dinner.
What are you having for St. Patrick’s Day dinner today? What’s the best food your pets ever scored without your permission?
Have a great St. Patrick’s Day everyone!!

Happy st Patrick’s day to you as well!
Oh boy, that was super naughty! Hope she has never done that again! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Hubby doesn’t like corned beef, so we never have it. Homemade hash sounds SO good, I can imagine that disappointment when Delilah ruined that plan!
Luke would probably say the best thing he got was some cooked chicken. I had left it in the pan to cool, pushed it way back on the counter, and even put something in front of it to deter him. I had to run outside for something, and when I heard some growling through the open window (Cricket was still with us then), I knew Luke had been up to no good.
He somehow got all that chicken out of the pan without knocking the pan or my barricade over!!
GAH! OMGoodness, D. Great score. Take a lesson, S. Sometimes water can wait. The counter is such a magical place. I’m 12, but I’m still waiting to grow big enough to reach it. Maybe when I’m 13….
Love and licks and Happy St. Patrick’s Day,
You two look terrific and we didn’t kniw that about corned beef. Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!
OMD! The D-Dog actually stayed quiet in her crate? Boy, your Mom must have been really mad! 🤣
Angel Callie was our counter surfer. And, if Ducky could reach that high, she would be one, too. But there was never any real need for them to be that way. Their Dad always spoiled them – still does spoil Ducky – with “table scraps” and pieces of whatever meat he was slicing for us humans. It’s no wonder they all ended up with IBS episodes so often!
Chamois climbed up on a table when we were visiting friends and scarfed down some pizza. They were used to little dogs, not monkey dogs.
Sometimes the time is worth the crime. ☘️Hope you guys had a drama-less St. Patrick’s Day to go with awesome corned beef.