Delilah is pure Labrador. If you don’t have a Labrador in your life, I should tell you, they are excellent time keepers. Particularly when it comes to food.
Delilah is a shining example of Labrador time keeping skills. She knows exactly when she gets anything. Heart meds (in liverwurst) in at 6:30 am, breakfast at 7:00, banana chips at 7:30 when mom leaves for work, heart med liverwurst at 5:00 when mom comes home from work, dinner at 7:00, snack at 9:00, heart med liverwurst at 10:30. If she were a Hobbit, she’d have names like breakfast, second breakfast, morning tea….etc. Thankfully, she’s not a Hobbit, but the best part is, she doesn’t talk, because God knows, I’d be drinking a lot more than whiskey in my coffee if she did.
Since she can’t talk (thank you, Jesus!) she does the next best thing. She sits in front of you and stares and if you get up, she’s right up your ass, making sure she doesn’t miss a thing. When she’s up your ass, she walks in such a way, that you can hear her walking. I call this sound, Pad-foot.
Sampson and Delilah get a stuffed, frozen Kong every night around 9:00 pm. It’s a simple concoction, stuffed with pineapple and frosted with canned pumpkin. I’ve had people ask me if it’s messy and to that I answer, “Yes, which is why we make the dogs eat the Kong on a throw rug.”
The rugs are old and discolored. I DO wash them every week, but the pumpkin stains, so they just look dirty. 🙂
Delilah is really good about putting her Kong on her rug. If for some reason she doesn’t use the rug, all you have to say is, “Put it on the rug,” and she will pick it up and move it.
Delilah has a particular spot she typically has her Kong on, but there are nights where Sampson throws a wrench (figuratively, not literally. I mean, if I could teach a dog to throw a wrench, I’d be pretty rich) 🙂 in the works by laying too close to where Delilah would typically be, so I end up moving the rug.
Of course, there are always the nights where I’ve washed the rug that day, so it’s not in its normal place.
It is times like that, when I need to rearrange the rugs, that Delilah can be a real tax. Since she already KNOWS it’s snack time, she’s on high alert. When she sees me tidying or moving the treat rug, she can’t contain herself. She’s here, she’s there, she’s EVERYWHERE and I basically become a football player, trying to block her from standing on the rug while I’m trying to fix it.
I cannot laugh about it when it’s happening, in fact, I’m usually cussing, while Hubby’s usually laughing.
But hey, at least someone’s laughing.
What did your pet do to make you laugh this week?
Sue says
lol. I can relate. Rosie has an amazing clock and comes to get me now whenever it’s time for me to check Rudy’s blood glucose. And she’s right every single time. She now only begs for a treat when he’s not in the room. Our girls are such smarties, Jodi!
Meagan & Merlin says
Labs are walking clocks lol. Merlin will wake from a deep sleep to come and tell me what time it is. 7.30am is his breakfast time, he seems to know that i am a lighter sleeper than my partner Trevor as he always ends up at my side of the bed whining for me to get up.
I think all living things have body clocks, even plants. My Angelfish seem to know when feeding time is as they get zippier around the front of the aquarium.
Madison says
Labs are definitely very, extremely into food! We are super laid back about anything food. Bailie will sit and wait patiently in the corner in the kitchen if she is waiting for some type of food. I usually will hang around just in case. The only real pest, who is seriously irritating about food is our kitty sis Sophie who wakes us up every morning at 4 meowing because she wants food. Cats are super pesty!
Cupcake says
Such a smart girl, D. I stare at Mom sometimes when it’s time for my morning dinner or night dinner. Plus I stare at her just as hard at other times of the day. She does not think I am smart enough to know time, so to her, it’s just random staring because my brain is tiny. To me, I am ALWAYS saying, “Let’s eat!”
Love and licks,
Brian Frum says
Treat time sure sounds like lots of fun at your place!
jan says
Labs are food obsessed which is what makes them such great hunting dogs.
Jan K says
Luke is a little more laid back about breakfast time than supper. Hubby gets the fire going in the woodstove before he leaves for work at zero dark thirty, so sometimes Luke will leave me in bed to go lay in front of the fire. This morning I hadn’t set my alarm so slept a little later. I did notice that he came back to bed right around the time I usually get up! So he knows!
Lori says
I have had the personal delight of seeing Delilah’s alarm clock go off at feeding time. She is something else, that girl.
Monika, Sam & Elsa says
Gotta love those ‘oh-so helpful’ food-motivated dogs! 😆