How are you doing with the darkness of winter? Weekdays I get up okay, I say okay, because some days the struggle is real, ya’ know? On the weekends though, even if I’m awake, I have a hard time getting out of bed when it’s dark. Of course, it doesn’t help that I have heavy drapes that keep my bedroom…dark. 🙂
Yesterday, I had plans with my daughter to go into New York City to see the Harry Potter Exhibit at the New York Historical Society. My intention was to get up early, so I wasn’t rushed in the morning, but enter that pesky darkness and I got a late start walking the dogs.
Sampson usually only potties on his walks, so by the time I dragged my butt out of bed and started getting layering up (yes, it’s currently cold in the Northeast) he was standing at the door. I let him out thinking he could at least pee in the yard while I finished up, but instead, he simply stood on the deck outside the door.
I finished prepping myself, and I grabbed his harness to put on him. The minute I stepped out the door, the darn fool bolted for the gate. So there I went, chasing after him, trying to get HIM prepped for his walk. I caught him at the gate, put his harness on and turned around to go get his leash, and there was Hubby.
I said, “He just took off on me.”
Hubby said, “I know, I watched you chase him.”
And then that bastard laughed.
Naturally, I didn’t see the humor in the situation at the time, but I know how much Sampson loves the cold weather, so I said to Hubby, “Watch him go out the gate.”
Sure enough, I opened the gate and Sampson charged out like the cars taking the green flag at Daytona.
Since I was going into the city, I knew his evening walk was going to be short, (or as it turned out, not at all since I didn’t get home until 10:00 pm) I coaxed him to head to the woods.
Because of his bad legs, Sampson doesn’t run like MOST dogs, but he can still move when he wants to, which always makes my heart happy. I could tell by the way he was ‘hustling’ that he knew he was going to the woods, and the combination of woods and cold was making for a very happy dog.
When we hit the top of the street and were safely in the Cul-de-sac, I took him off leash and he made a beeline for the park. I honestly wish I’d had my phone ready to grab that video, because you can tell by the way he’s moving how happy he is.
It was a great start, to a great day, and I’m pretty sure I was smiling all the way home.
What did your pet do that made you smile or laugh this week?
(FYI, I walked 6.8 miles yesterday.) 🙂

Go, Sampson!! The cold sometimes energizes Luke too. He’ll go outside into the yard, and then come back in and tear around the house. He did that a couple of times yesterday, and it does always make us smile.
It’s too cold here, and we didn’t get out for a walk yesterday. We went the day before, and Luke kept stopping and holding his paws up so I knew it was too cold. Then it got even colder yesterday and today, so it’s time to break out the indoor games!
Oh, S. You are the cutest! Mom and I are both skittish and scared in the dark. That said, our house is never dark, so getting up is easy and bright. Besides the 10,000 nightlights, the TV is on and the salt lamp and hall light. Outside it’s darker, but I wear my puplight and mom carries her flashlight. “Off leash” is my dream, but never happens. Enjoy it, big buddy!
Love and licks,
We know not of the darkness of which you speak. Our house is brightly lit 24-7 and we never venture forth until the sun has made a strong appearance.
Yes, we are wimps. So?
Isn’t it great when older dogs still let out some puppy for things/conditions they love. My mom was always thrilled when Katie did that. As for the darkness, we like it because it is cozy, and it keeps Mom from working so late because she always feels like it is later than it really is. Remember, bundling isn’t just for the cable company, it is also for those of us in a winter climate.
Congrats on chalking up some great mileage while you were smiling. 😍
Awww I LOVE it!!! OMG you walked 6.8 miles? I need to hang with you!
Aw, I love seeing our seniors so happy!! After days of cold, cloudy weather – and rain most of the day yesterday – Shadow was soooo happy to be outside this morning that she couldn’t stop wagging her tail. It’s still cloudy and cold but she didn’t care.
Loved the way you describe how tough it is for us humans to get going when it’s still dark – I can totally relate to that! My German Shepherd has a built in clock though that tells him exactly when it’s time for walkies and he will put his big head on my lap and gently nudge me towards the door, come rain or shine.