You make me smile (or laugh,) the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis, that brings a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
Delilah, your curiosity and insistence in investigating something that seems out of place, well….
You make me smile.
This past July, we had our road re-paved. It was a challenging week with uneven roads and hot tar, but we made it through.
What I discovered is, after a road gets re-paved, there is a compulsion in the neighborhood to either re-pave your own driveway or barring that, you can simply put some black sealant on and give your driveway a ‘facelift’ of sorts.
This was at our neighbor across the street, and Delilah insisted on checking it out thoroughly.
How does your dog do when introduced to new things?

We notice every new thing too. A dog can never be too careful of new stuff lying around.
They can be timid sometimes, but mostly they are just curious and have to check it out. I always call Luke “nosey bean” because he has to have his nose in everything!
With that stuff have such a strong scent, it’s no wonder D-Dog was curious. Maybe she wanted to leave nose or paw prints like kids want to leave their initials on freshly laid concrete sidewalks. 😁
Misty always understands new things…she is on the internet a lot and explains to the other dogs.
New stuff must be thoroughly checked over. Driveway work is exciting, but even something as mundane as an empty water bottle that missed the recycling bin must be reviewed for approval.
Love and licks,
She looks so good in purple!
Storm would have barked and attacked that bucket…lol. She does not like things out of place!