You make me smile (or laugh), the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, when I caught you lying in front of the over-turned water bowl…
You made me laugh.
I know we already had a You Make Me Laugh with the water bowl, but in that instance it was because he stopped what he was doing when the camera came out.
Lately, he’s taken to turning the empty water bowl OVER, in this particular instance, we didn’t hear it and so he just laid in front of it, waiting for someone to fill it.
That made me laugh. What does your dog do when their water bowl is empty?

You are the great communicator, S. No mistaking that message.
Love and licks,
Lucky for us, it is never empty, and if it is, there are more around the house. Mom is good about filling them all the time.
Like Emma, we have more than one in the house (we have 3) and my pups have me very well trained to check them at a glance every time I’m near them. ๐
Poor Sampson, being left with no water:) It is a good way to let your peeps know!
That’s too cute!!! Since we have two water bowls in the kitchen – from the days when Callie and Shadow were youngsters – at least one of the bowls always has enough water in it until the next fill-up. And since I stopped looking for a job in 2010, I’ve been pretty good about keeping an eye on the water level in both bowls. I do remember one time when I got all the way to work before remembering that I hadn’t given the Golden Girls any water before I left – and hubby left before I did – so I had to run inside, clock in, and tell my supervisor what had happened. John laughed and said “go ahead, we’ll see you when you get back.” I made it home and back to work in just under 30 minutes, before the phones even started “ringing” off the walls.
I’d say Sampson is pretty darn smart. Our water bowls are in raised stands, so no one has tried dumping them when they’re empty! It doesn’t happen too often, since the one in the kitchen is a pretty high traffic area and we walk by it a lot.
The food and water bowls get scooted across the room until a human finally gets the message.
Same just softly huffs and puffs, then sighs and lays down. It takes me a couple seconds to figure out what he’s really trying to say (i.e. “get snapping, lady!”). I always feel guilty once I realize it but a treat usually makes us both feel better. ๐
Sam, not Same, stupid Siri! Ugh What IS it about auto-correct?
Well I am a cat man but still this is just cute and intelligent. My feline friend just mews until he gets what he wants.
Awe poor Sampson waiting patiently.
wow! Studdie would do the same thing.