Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally, just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Laugh – August 14, 2016
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s Mom said, “Crib mattress and a throw rug. That’s a great idea!! I wish I had a set up like that for Shadow!”
It was weird, I was looking for a step, and thought, why not use the mattress, and it worked!
Emma said, “Maybe it had a wrinkle in it and felt something like the princess and the pea. I love to gather up rugs and blankets into piles to sleep on or move them completely around. At least he likes the mattress.”
He has ALWAYS like to remove the covering rom something. If I put a sheet on the couch, he will pull that off, he’s even done it on the bed!
Monika and Sam said ”
That’s a brilliant ‘hack.’ Well done, Jodi.”
Thank you. It was completely unintentional, BUT that won’t keep me from sharing it on my new blog… “Hacks from the ‘Hood.” LOL
Lee and Phod said, “That is a great idea. My pups often take the blankets off things as well. So much for protection with one!”
I worry more about him slipping on it, than anything else!
Cupcake says, “Nuthin’ wrong with knowing what you want and then making it happen. Humans do it all the time! Why shouldn’t we? Well done, S. It’s good to have goals.”
That is true. And he does have goals and he usually meets them. 😉
Taryn said, “My guys get bored with the same old route around the blocks near my house. I started loading them in the car and taking them to other areas in my neighborhood. Now, when we head out to walk, they just go stand by my car. If I try to walk them close to home, they just plant their feet. I created walking monsters!”
So do you never get the neighborhood walk anymore? How do you get around that? That’s one of the reasons I rarely do that, these guys develop routines REALLY quickly!
Emma said, “And if you are like my mom, you will feel bad and he will win the battle…but you won’t really mind. After all, we train you all so well to give us what we want because we know how to toy with your emotions 😉”
Oh he mostly wins. But Hubby has to do it, after all, he’s the one who created the monster. 😉
Lauranne said, “I bet he gets to go out front? He is so like Mity. Mity used to come in from his final walk, shoot upstairs, give us about 20 minutes before coming back downstairs and giving us ‘the look’ which basically said “have you not realised it’s bedtime” then he would turn run back upstairs and wait patiently on his bean bag for us to come upstairs and give him his biscuits.”
Oh yes, he goes out front. 😉 That’s funny about Mity. How many times would he come downstairs?
Two French Bulldogs said, “You win the holding pee award.”
Ugh, that is an award I don’t want him to win! I swear he would have gone longer, I practically had to drag him out.
Jan K said, “After we eat, Sheba has her treat and then takes herself right to bed (our bed). She doesn’t care if anyone else goes with her or not! I think she just wants to get the best spot. 🙂”
She’s smart. I think you might be on to something there Jan. Maybe THAT’s why he goes to bed so early. LOL
2 Brown Dawgs said, “It is more interesting out front. 🙂”
Exactly, and he has a better chance of having some random person petting him. 🙂
Creatures of Habit – Throwback Thursday
Sue said, “What great photos of both of them! Can’t help it – this makes me feel so sad for Delilah. She must have been so hungry for so long before being rescued. Hungry for food; hungry for attention and love. I’m so glad you took a chance on her and are giving her such a great life.”
I feel sad when I think of it too. Even after all this time, she STILL has that obsession with food. Of course, it could be the Labrador brain, but I think she has some memories of being hungry. 🙁 And for the record, I’m glad she took a chance with me. It’s been a road, but she’s truly an amazing dog, who just enriches my life.
Beth said, “I’m glad Sampson was so sweet and didn’t react to her stealing his snacks! Barley would have flattened anyone (except her humans) who tried taking her snacks out of her mouth!”
Now see, DELILAH would do the same as Barley! But Sampson, is so sweet and trusting, he knew that I would make it right.
Emma said, “Buddy, you need to get control over your cats! ”
Bob stayed with us for a bit while our daughter was in the Army. He was a good cat and just wanted to be accepted into the pack. But the dogs would have NONE of it. So he had to be sneaky about it.
Monika and Sam said, “When they’re young, you think your dog is Einstein able to conquer all manner of mystery, as they get older, they start to resemble Artie Johnson’s little old man from Laugh In be it physically or mentally shuffling off on a trike.”
Bah ha ha, he did such a GREAT impression of that, didn’t he?
Jen Gabbard said, “It’s amazing how different they are, isn’t it? I couldn’t imagine seeing a dog go right up to another & take a treat from his mouth.”
I never could either. And yes, they are literally as different as night and day. 🙂
Alexa 88 said, “Delilah must think if she stares at you long enough you’ll give in. ” come on mom how can you resist my sad eyes””
I think she thinks she can bend me to her will. 😉
Well that’s it for me folks, don’t forget to come back tomorrow for the Pet Blogger Showcase! Have a great one!

I love that cigar smoking picture! He looks so ….wise. Like a Wise Guy.
I was wondering why I had not heard about Bob before. Never let a cat get the alpha position. They are such lazy and demanding creatures. Usually, if you can give them a nice big wet kiss, they will leave you alone.
Have a great weekend!
Sampson I love your rawhide out of the mouth photo. Have a great weekend.
Ooh, ooh…can’t wait for the “Hacks from the ‘Hood blogposts. That should be hysterical as well as clever!
Most of the time Sheba is very polite though. She’s usually in my spot on the bed and she’ll get up and move when I get there. Then she moves to Dad’s spot and he has to deal with her when he comes to bed. I always tell him “first come, first served!”. 🙂 Have a great weekend, we’ll be back for the showcase tomorrow!
Finally getting around to reading some of my fave blogs for the day. Was busy studying for my Stage 6 exam. Sam’s situation set me back a few weeks and now I’m trying to catch up. Great follow-up – as always – my friend! Have a great weekend!!!
Hope you are having a good week. Seems I am perpetually a week behind.