This Throwback Thursday I thought I’d go back to August of 2011. At that time I’d been blogging for just over 8 months.
Interesting note, there were still no SEO words. LOL
Dogs are such creatures of habit.
Every night around 9:00 pm, hubby and I have a snack. We extended this habit to Sampson and to Delilah when she joined our pack.
It immediately became clear that the dogs must be separated when treats were around. I handed Sampson his treat and Delilah hers. Delilah swallowed hers and then took Sampson’s right out of his mouth. He and I both stood there for a second in complete and utter shock. Then I walked over to Delilah and wrestled the treat from her mouth and handed it back to Sampson.
This did not phase Delilah in the least, she went right back to Sampson and again took the treat from his mouth. I was furious and determined. I went right back to Delilah and re-wrestled her for the treat. At which point I grabbed her collar to prevent her from repeating her faux paw.
In retrospect, I realize how ignorant I was to 1) assume that she would act the same way Sampson did and 2) take for granted that she wouldn’t bite my hand off for taking food away from her.
Sampson was the dog I nurtured from puppyhood. I wanted to make sure he was raised in the appropriate way, we always hand fed him, we played with him and his treats, we played with his feet all to make sure he was a well-natured, well-mannered dog. In my naiveness it never dawned on me that all dogs are not raised by responsible pet owners.
Delilah was my first-hand experience of a dog that didn’t have a caring owner.
Flash forward to present day.
I am reminded beginning about 8:45 pm by Delilah that snack time is approaching. She does this by walking up to me and staring at me; sometimes she barks, but I stand my ground! Not a moment before 9:00, because if I do then she will expect it and before I know it, snack time will be before dinner. 🙂
Delilah thinks she’s won the lottery at snack time, she runs to the pantry, jumping and leaping for joy, almost tripping you or knocking you down to win the prize. This happens every single night.
Most nights I give Sampson his treat first and he runs off to the bedroom, snack in mouth. If for some reason the bedroom door is shut, then he comes back and looks at me and I go and open the door for him.
Delilah runs into the living room with her treat and inhales there. Once she has finished her treat she goes into the bedroom and waits for Sampson to move so she can inspect the bed for crumbs and clean up after him like the good mama dog that she is.
Last night Sampson headed off for the bedroom and then turned around and came back. Hubby said, “What’s the matter big boy?”
And it dawned on me, the cat was on the bed. If the cat is on the bed before him, Sampson will NOT get on the bed. If Bob jumps up on the bed while Sampson is sleeping, then it is ok but not vice versa.
I reminded Sampson he is a 90 pound dog and Bob weighs 10 pounds dripping wet as I walked past him into the bedroom. Luckily Bob was already on his way out to see what all the fuss was about.
Silly dog.
I love that photo of Sampson, it makes me think of someone with a cigar in their mouth.
Throwback Thursday. It’s a reminder that the more things change, the more things stay the same. 🙂
Delilah STILL practices the Lab Death Stare. Although, now she can make it until almost 9:30. 😉

He’s too sweet to disturb Bob! My “Butter” has manners! 😉💜💋
That Delilah has always loved her treats. 🙂
What great photos of both of them! Can’t help it – this makes me feel so sad for Delilah. She must have been so hungry for so long before being rescued. Hungry for food; hungry for attention and love. I’m so glad you took a chance on her and are giving her such a great life.
Two cute photos! My labs are acting the exact same way like Delilah at snack time… 🙂
Thank God, she has a caring owner now.
It’s so nice to know that Delilah has always been the same food-driven pup we’ve all come to know and love 😉 I’m glad Samson was so sweet and didn’t react to her stealing his snacks! Barley would have flattened anyone (except her humans) who tried taking her snacks out of her mouth!
It’s sad when dogs are raised by mean people but it is so great when someone like you takes them in.
Buddy, you need to get control over your cats! I know my cat bro Bert sometimes beats me up, but I still try to dominate and keep the alpha pet position.
So cute! We wait on the kitchen and stare at the counter at 8pm
Lily & Edward
Lab death stare! Love that expression Funny how as they get older, time becomes a little more flexible element in their minds. When they’re young, you think your dog is Einstein able to conquer all manner of mystery, as they get older, they start to resemble Artie Johnson’s little old man from Laugh In be it physically or mentally shuffling off on a trike. Even still that second image makes me smile as much as when I thought ‘Einstein’ would be able to correctly program the DVR.
It’s amazing how different they are, isn’t it? I couldn’t imagine seeing a dog go right up to another & take a treat from his mouth. And seriously that’s so cute about Sampson & Bob; their little quirks like that make them all the more endearing.
Love it! Cricket is our time teller around here, though with this crew it’s more about activities than time. When we finish our meals, they get a treat and they know it. When we’re getting ready to leave for work or elsewhere, they know that they get one then too.
We have seemed to always have dogs that will steal the other’s treats if we don’t watch them, so treat time is always strictly supervised! 🙂
It is not OK for a cat to hop onto the bed before a dog. Show some respect, kitties!
Love and licks,
Delilah must think if she stares at you long enough you’ll give in. ” come on mom how can you resist my sad eyes”
liy will nudge us and us her ” pretty please ” look an her best smile.
Meals were the one thing that Shadow and Callie ever argued over, so I had to make sure that Callie stayed in her place at meal times. Treats and toys weren’t a problem unless Ducky instigated the trouble.
The only treats the girls always get are the bedtime ones; and they have to be on their own beds, waiting patiently, before they get it. Sometimes, if they’ve been extra good, I’ll give them a surprise treat during the day.
haha if the cat is on my bed the dogs will stomp it off.