For those of you who tuned in thinking Delilah took up golf, think again. No, it wasn’t badminton either, and disc golf is out as well.
It was a real bird.
Here’s how it went down.
It was July 30th, Sampson’s birthday. I started the morning with a walk with the Birthday Boy. In our travels Sampson discovered a little bird, tucked away in some landscaping. Naturally, he was captivated by it, but the bird just sat there, very still.
I got as close as I dared with Lunatic on a Leash, but the bird didn’t move. I figured it was stunned, or hurt, so it was best to leave it alone.
On our return trip, I checked for the bird and it was gone! Yay, I thought, the bird recovered and went on its way. Sort of like that squirrel I knocked out that one time…
I got home and swapped out the dogs and took Delilah for her walk, it was a nice, quiet walk and she took the long route, which was fine with me.
My dogs are funny when they walk. Sampson has a tendency to walk in the grass, while Delilah prefers the blacktop.
So there we were about five houses from home. I was basking in the beauty of early morning and thinking what a nice, peaceful walk it had been. Delilah was walking beside me, thinking, Dog only knows what.
Suddenly, the bird was there. It must have flown across the street from where it originally was, and settled down in the grass. In our obliviousness, we hadn’t seen it.
The bird flew out right in front of Delilah, startling her. And in her surprise, she pumped her feet up and down, (much like a person flailing their arms) and bit at it. (She might have looked like me swatting at those damn bugs, except I try not to bite
At first, I couldn’t see what was happening, I just heard the noise, saw her distress, and her feet stamping up and down, so I quickly urged her closer to me. Once we were a short distance away, I saw the bird.
We both just stood there and stared at it.
The poor little bird, its little leg shook for a moment and then I’m pretty sure it was gone, if not, it went quickly afterwards. I felt horrible. If I’d seen it, I would have avoided it.
We’ve seen lots of crazy things on our walks, but we’ve never trampled a bird before. Have you ever had anything like this happen to you?

When I was a teenager we had a Bullmastiff named Angel. One day we were in the back yard and a baby bird was taking its first flight. Unfortunately, he flew right in front of Angel who just opened her mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. It was very sad and unexpected.
Oh, D. Accidentally panicking and killing a bird could happen to anydoggie. Once I ate a butterfly. Mom saw it flying and then it was gone and I was chewing. She said, “Oh no you didn’t.” But oh yes I did. Maybe that was an accident….
Love and licks,
Oh dear. Accidents happen, but we don’t recall stepping on anything but worms and we don’t care about worms. Poor birdie.
Living in the country with a huge backyard we frequently have whole huge flocks of birds come in, especially in the fall and spring as they’re migrating. Years ago there was a day when a huge flock of meadowlarks came in. I let Lucy and Tucker out to “clear the yard” and they stormed out of the house. They reached the back fence and Lucy turned around to look at me… and had a meadowlark in her mouth. She looked wide eyed and shocked (just like me). And dropped the bird. After that she wasn’t as keen on “clearing the yard.” LOL
Oh that is sad. It was probably just learning to fly.
As Emma said, accidents happen. To poor little birdies as well as our pups and ourselves. That little birdie is pain free now and flying around at the Rainbow Bridge.
Shadow has caught some birds as they’ve taken off to get to safety, though she hasn’t caught any since Callie went to Heaven. I was upset those times, too; but she’s a retriever and it’s just instinct for her. As it was for Delilah. That’s just the way I have to think of it.
That would be weird. Maybe the bird was terribly confused.
Oh the poor birdie. We don’t go after them but we would like some tree rat stew
Lily & Edward
Oh, poor birdie! It probably was a young one. We had a lot of birds nesting around our yard. One day I came home and as I was letting the dogs out one flew right into me! Of course at first I didn’t even know what it was so put my hands up to protect myself, and I’m not sure if I hit him or if he just kept going the other way. He landed a little ways away from me, and luckily when I checked on him he seemed to be OK. He eventually hopped away from where he landed and into a bush. Good thing the dogs never saw him either! He was obviously just learning to fly.
Aw, RIP little Tweety. Sam is oblivious to all manner of the animal kingdom with the single exception of cats and bunnies He is fascinated by both species and (luckily) haven’t had occasion where they nearly jumped within paws reach. 😉
Preacher is trampling birds all the time and bunnies and moles and and and…..
Send D over to my house, I’ve got an effing woodpecker pecking the crap out of my house! He goes from one end of the house after I chase him away, to the next! Peck off you bloody woodpecker!!!!