Last Thursday I took Delilah in for her annual check-up. As a senior dog, she should probably go in every six months, but considering what a worrier I am, my dogs typically see the vet at least three times per year.
Still this was the BIG one, the one where we talk about subtle health changes, vaccinations, food, supplements, etc.
To start off, Delilah hopped on the scale where she weighed in at 71 pounds. This is up slightly, by about one pound, from her last weigh in. I’m not sure what this is attributed to, because we are walking just as much as we always have. It could just be her metabolism slowing down, she is 10 1/2 after all.
We discussed the type of food she’s on, (raw) and the importance of rotating her proteins. Currently they go three days with two proteins (one at night and one in the morning) and then we change proteins for the next three days and continue on in that fashion. Dr. Soutter agreed that rotating proteins is the way to go.
Then we spoke about her exercise. She currently gets two walks per day, averaging close to 2 to 2/1 miles total. She would absolutely walk longer, but morning time is at a premium and lately it’s been so hot in the afternoon I don’t want to over do her.
We discussed the supplements I have her on, which are very limited. She takes a multi-vitamin recommended by my vet, her thyroid pill, a liver support supplement, a low dose of natural estrogen and just for shits and giggles, I give her 1/2 the recommended dosage of green lipid mussel.
Before physically examining her, my vet asked if I had any concerns. Well they aren’t exactly concerns, but I have made a couple of observations. 1) Delilah now likes to go outside and lie in the sun when I get home from work, 2) she is sleeping a lot more than she used to. Times once were that you couldn’t do anything without Delilah right under foot, and she still is a good portion of the time, except there are actually times when I’m in the kitchen and even though she’s with me, she’s….gasp…sleeping! I know, I know.
Oh and there was one more thing, lately she’s been munching on grass; which Dr. Soutter said, this time of year the grass is sweet. Which seems to be pretty accurate, as Delilah is particular about which grasses she eats.
The physical exam didn’t indicate anything to suggest there was anything going on that we should be concerned about, so we then went ahead with a blood draw to check for Heartworm, tick-borne diseases and of course, those liver levels that haven’t been checked in a while.
For those who maybe new to the blog, two years ago at a routine exam, we discovered Delilah’s ALT levels were high. After an ultrasound which showed her liver appeared to be the right size, shape and texture, we opted not to do a biopsy. Our vet feels that Delilah has hepatitis but it can’t be confirmed without a biopsy. You can read more about it HERE.)
Delilah was also due for her annual Leptospirosis vaccine (she had her rabies vaccine last year) so we went ahead and got that.
While Dr. Soutter was writing up her notes, there was the loud sound of two dogs having a kerfuffle in the lobby. Delilah stiffened up, head erect listening.
Dr. Soutter said, “She’s trying to decide if she needs to intervene.” We laughed because it’s typical Delilah, she always has to be right in the middle of everything.
When we got to the check out to settle the bill, Delilah stood right up on her hind legs and checked out the treat jar. Dr. Soutter said, “I’m pretty sure she’s not having any issues with those back legs.”
Friday Dr. Soutter called to tell me Heartworm was negative, tick-borne was negative and her ALT (liver level) was at 220. Now 220 is in the ‘high’ stage, but it’s at the low end of the high stage, so as long as we can keep her levels from skyrocketing, we’re doing okay.
I’ve just gone back and read the Caring Critter’s post regarding the elevated liver levels and her original levels were at 238. So as far as I’m concerned we’re doing good, but I noticed there were some supplements she was getting then, that she’s not getting now, so it’s something to consider.
All in all though, I’m pretty happy with the visit. Except for the bill. Yeah, with all the supplements and meds I stocked up on, I got a pretty hefty bill.
If I had any doubts about how Delilah’s feeling, she put that to rest yesterday morning, when she pulled a container full of meat flavored water out of the sink. The sink which is fully as high as that stove.
Oh Delilah!
What types of things do you have your vet check for?

Happy to hear she is doing well and still able to get up on the counters to retrieve valuable items you won’t give her 😉 We just do our normal exams unless we have a problem. I now get the senior panel done. Hopefully we will continue to be healthy for a long time.
It’s good to know about grass being sweet this time of year, because I have noticed two of mine munching on grass as well, when they don’t normally do so.
Glad to hear that you are overall happy with the visit, with the exception of the bill. I feel your pain. I spent $293 last week at the vet with my girl.
My guys just had their semi-annual check-ups. Both are seniors so I do test their blood regularly. At their ages, I no longer do vaccinations other than the legally required Rabies. My bill came in just under $600! Gah! And I still need to buy Wilson’s arthritis pills. Fortunately both boys are relatively healthy and that’s what counts!
Sounds like a good checkup and I’m relieved that her liver levels have not climbed!
“What type of things do you have your vet check for?”
In Shadow’s case: lumps, bumps, and other signs of cancer. But, our vet does that anyway whenever I bring Shadow to see him. And with her sensitive tummy, he also feels around her abdominal area to be sure there are no new issues brewing. Don’t ask me how he can tell, but he can. He amazes me at times.
As for Ducky: he usually just draws blood for the heartworm test; gives her whatever vaccine is due; and does a thorough hands-on exam. She’s still young, so that’s it. Her IBS isn’t bothering her these days so we just continue her meds.
And of course, we check both girls’ weights every time we go in.
And of course I’m super glad D-Dog is doing well, but you know that. 😍
That’s great! You are a good dog mom, that’s why she is so healthy.
Sounds like you have a healthy dog. We dog mommies don’t get yachts or polo ponies but that is our choice.
Glad to hear she’s doing well! I thought she was a bit younger than that! Guess it’s her personality – she’s a very young-at-heart girl! As evidenced by standing up to get at those treats 🙂
And, oy – vet bills. Always so crazy expensive.
Heh, heh. That girl…just love her counter surfing antics. For a 10 1/2 year old she seems pretty dang nimble and healthy. Sam is the same age as D-Dog and he’s been sleeping a lot more lately (too except when he’s not and he’s being a “pest-katator” bugging me for gawd only knows what-need to work on his communication skills, because so far I pretty much suck at understanding the non-English vocabulary). Summer heat could be a factor on the sleeping thing, I know all I want to do is snooze too most of the day though I’d do it in front of an open frig. Gold star for you on the proactive care you provide for your fur-kids. No wonder they’re in such good shape and able to reach up high on the counter. 🙂
That blood work sounds really good compared to where it was. Nice to get a good report from the vet. 🙂
Just saw your PBSG question, so this is a test.
this may have been posted here already but just incase not… has an article about how raw yeast dough like bread dough for example is very dangerous to dogs if eaten. very informative article.
lily has her anal glands emptied out, weight checked, make sure all her shots are upto date as well as her heartworm medicine.
the vet knows lily is a hyper-reactive dog when at the vets. she hasn’t had any bad experiences at the vets. we were told that like some kids dogs can also have that type of personality when it comes to dr visits. in lilys case a muzzle must be used when giving her a shot, trimming her nails because she might get snippy. she gets that anxious. as soon as everything is done she calms down and is pleasant again. to help with her anxiousness and attempt to keep her stress level down
we always show up right on time and are seen right away. as soon as the visit is done i take lily outside while hubby pays the bill.
i wanted to share this just in case someone reading this also has this reaction from thier dog for the same reason.
it’s easy to blame ourselfs because we love our pet. but you haven’t done anything wrong. just you staying calm and giving your pet love and words of comfort will go a long way in helping your pet. if possable have someone go with you. one person to pay the bill while the other person takes the pet outside for short walk about.
we were going once a year but as lily is 11years old and starting to have some heath issues we have apt. in sept.
lol reading about Delilah showing off her powerful legs while scoping out the treats jar.
Merlin has an annual checkup. Other than that he goes if we have any concerns about him. He’s only 2 & a half years. Merlin also eats grass, small stuff if he’s grazing and long grass if he’s feeling unwell.
So glad Delilah’s appointment went well!. You saw my post about the grass eating; I have definitely come to the conclusion with Luke that he just likes it!
Sounds like a great visit to me. Nellie likes to sleep a lot too now that she is older.