Since Sampson did a partial tear on his cruciate he isn’t aloud to be outside unsupervised. This development has given me the opportunity to observe a couple of things about my dogs.
The first being when walking the dog, I have a better chance of getting past another dog or a distraction with only one dog vs attempting it with two.
The second has to due with their competition with each other. I always KNEW they were in competition, all you have to do is ask my arms and they will tell you, it’s a competition to determine who will lead the walk.
What I didn’t know was just exactly HOW competitive they really were.
That is until yesterday.
Yesterday it was brought to my attention that my dogs are in a pissing contest.
My dogs are in a pissing contest.
It started like this. Tuesday night I took the dogs out for the last potty of the night. Sampson for some unknown reason decided to pee in the snow that was left on the deck. (You remember, that white shit we got from Mother Nature’s temper tantrum Sunday into Monday.)
Done, over, we went to bed.
Yesterday morning Delilah wanted to go outside and as I watched her, she sniffed the snow where Sampson had peed and then took a few steps past it and she peed.
When Sampson went out again, he took a few steps past Delilah’s pee spot and then he peed.
Then she peed past his pee and then he peed past her pee.
Last time I looked there were five pee spots on the deck.
Yup, it’s a pissing contest at my house.
Do you have dogs that compete with each other? How do you deal with it?
The Last Barks and Bytes
Thursday, January 23, 2014 was the first day of the Barks and Bytes Blog hop, hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and yours truly. It’s been a great two (plus) years, but all good things must come to an end and after much deliberation, Linda and I have decided it’s time to end to the hop.
I’ve met some truly wonderful people through the blog hop and gotten to read some amazing blogs that I might not have found on my own. For that I’m very grateful.
I’d like to thank you all for joining and supporting us on the blog hop and I’d like to say a special thanks to Linda for being such a great co-hostess. I certainly couldn’t have done it without her.
Welcome to Thursday’s Barks and Bytes Blog hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog. We hope you will grab a badge from one of our websites and join us.

Will you be posting something else on Thursdays?
I don’t think my guys really do that but I do have one that has a very nasty little habit and it is especially worse in the winter…a poop eater!! That’s right she is a nasty little bit** 😉 I have tried everything to stop her. I will look out and there she is with a big ol chunker hanging out of her mouth. Yep she is gross!!!! So I just have to make sure I keep it picked up or look the other way.
You gals too?? Well, I can understand. The blog hops I’ve enjoyed over the last few years have been ending lately. I guess it’s hard to compete with Facebook, Twitter, and the other social media sites when it comes to “sharing” ones blog posts. I just hope you’ll continue sharing your stories on the blog!
Shadow and Ducky rarely have pissing contests; and I don’t remember Callie and Shadow ever having them either.
My boys both pee on the same things all the time, but they don’t care who gets the last drop on it. They just make sure that as a team, they have rid the area of some other dog’s smell!
How do blog hops work? Is it a paid subscription to use someone’s server? May I ask what it cost for a year? My favorite is the Blog paws Wordless Wednesdsay blog hop. Lots of bang for the buck so to speak! Black and White Sunday is a nice one for getting creative.
Sorry your hop is ending, but as with FitDog Friday, we have all noticed hop participations are dwindling. I’m the one in our house who has to always “overpee” my sisters, but Mom finds it funny because Bailie just recently started marking a bit and if she knows I’m not watching her, she will “overpee” me.
If you check a little past the last pee, you’ll see more more pee. That’s mine! I win!!!! 😜
Our bog dogs mark where Storm has gone and that is about it at our house.
Dogs are so weird! Mine do the same thing. Zoe is a huge marker and she’s even peed on Phoenix’s head before!
LOL This cracked me up. Rudy used to make sure he peed wherever Jeffie peed. I haven’t noticed any of that with Rudy and Rosie. Rudy does always check out Rosie’s spot, but that’s it. Not sure what that mean. Rosie is not a marker in any way. Going outside she skedaddles to quickly pee and that’s it. Probably a thing left over from house breaking?
Most of the hops I’ve ever participated have called it quits. Sorry to see so many go. Tuesday’s Tails is headed that way, too.
Looks like yours are not only in competition but love to play the hopscotch pee hop. Always enlightening with the snow canvas to see how it actually plays out. The pee trail is no doubt the dotted line on the treasure map they are drawing for you. ღ
I think of it as protecting each other. Timmy pees over the girls’ pee so any predator will sniff his pee and be very afraid. Or something like that. Who knows what goes on in little doggie brains.
Oh, pissing contests are constant around here. It’s mostly the girls, but Luke joins in sometimes too. Usually Sheba goes, and then Cricket has to go in the exact same spot. I just observed them outside right before reading this…normally it’s just twice, but this time it was Cricket went, Sheba went on top of where she went, and then on the way back in the house, Cricket had to go on the same spot again! They really do crack me up with that.
Sorry to hear that your hop is ending, but I guess they are kind of dying out as a thing?
Haha! The evidence photo is so funny. 🙂 When we visit my parent’s house, Haley and Lucy have their own little peeing competition and we’re never really sure who won.
I’m sorry to see the blog hop go. I joined a few times and always felt bad that my schedule usually meant posting earlier in the week. I really enjoyed meeting some new bloggers occasionally and catching up with my favorites.
Barley doesn’t compete with pee, but she will compete to get to the door first if there’s a squirrel on the back porch when we visit my parents. My parent’s dog wants to be lead dog on walks, but if I have her and Barley together by myself, Barley and I make a sandwich and she has to heel nicely between us–she hates walking with us 😉
Thank you for hosting a fun hop all these years! We’ve enjoyed it.