Welcome to this week’s Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions, and generally just wrap up my week.
Not much to say here, huh? We all just wished each other a nice day. 😉 I hope yours was full of love.
Well THAT Gets The Heart Rate Up
Taryn Tipton said, “Jimmy has the same reaction to butt sniffing plus little man’s complex. I guess you get a face full of licorice in his case. As to the balaclava, it doesn’t go well with morning breath either.”
Hahaha, I breath through my nose, so I didn’t have the morning breath issue, but I can see how that would deter me from a balaclava.
Emma said, “We have two mean dogs on the corner behind us. They stopped wearing their fence collars at one point and would come out after us. Mom was not amused.”
It’s not amusing. It’s frustrating and it can be very scary too. Not to mention the fact that someone could get hurt!
Beth said, “I just got one of those things for cold days, too–I can’t wear glasses with it because my breathing makes them fog up and then I can’t see a thing. If you still want one of your own, I found one for like $5 on Amazon and it has all kinds of adjustable things to make it fit better.”
Thank you for that. I’m still on the fence, but I’ll keep it in mind. But if I don’t wear my glasses I can’t see. 🙂 How do you manage?
Lauranne asked, “Aww is it wrong that I think the arch enemy is kinda sweet for doing as he was told?”
No honey, not at all, in fact I was quite pleased that he listened. I would have hated to have to shoot him with my pepper blaster. 🙁
Jan K said, “It reminds me of the time the neighbor’s German shepherd came barreling across the street at me and Luke…scared the crap out of me because I had no idea how that was going to go! I think it took at least an hour for my heart rate to get back to normal.”
Thankfully the dog didn’t charge at us, so my heart rate slowed down by the time we finished our walk. I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been for you.
Julie said, “Sometimes I think it must be so funny if anyone is watching me when I am out with Cocoa. We can get ourselves in some funny situations for sure.”
Ain’t that the truth! Sometimes I think if anyone was just watching me juggling the leashes because my dogs keep switching sides on me. LOL
Dachshund Nola said, “One of my biggest concerns with 10lb Nola is off leash dogs coming up to use. She’d be so easy to injury.”
Yes, that’s concerning to me too, we’ve had little dogs charge us and I have thought, my God, all she has to do is grab it and shake it and it’s all over.
Alexa88 said, “I’m all that plus a bag of chips so don’t mess with me… a face full of chocolate… i get that it means she can be a badass but still had me laughing.”
Excellent, that’s it exactly what I intended for it to do. 🙂
Misty Shores Chesapeakes said, “Had a dog do that once and the owner just stood in the door as I was trying to put myself between my dogs and the one approaching us as I am yelling at the dog to “GET” The dog seemed friendly but a strange dog approaching me with my two on leash may not have fared well. The part that made me mad was the owner just standing there watching and not calling her dog back, some people are clueless!”
Does that not piss you off? I had that one guy whose dog came charging us at the park and I was screaming and swearing at him. The dogs sniffed and there was no snarking but then the asshole said, “See, it’s okay.” No, actually it’s not okay, you have no idea what MY dogs might do. Or if I have an injured or fearful dog.
Some people are assholes.
The Sweatshirt Incident – Barks and Bytes
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Thank goodness you were able to get the sweatshirt off of him without having a “wetting” experience of your own! 😂”
Ugh, you are so right. Not only would I have stunk, but I would have been cold too when that wet bit of me froze!
Genevieve said, “OMG! You’re killing me! One thing I know for sure is – that sweatshirt would’ve become collateral damage and been sacrificed into the gutter where I would deny having any knowledge of who it belonged to or how it got there.”
Bah ha ha, I thought of leaving it in the street and picking it up on my way back, but then I just rolled the wet bit so it was on the inside and soldiered on.
Clowie said, “I hope you washed the sweatshirt before you made Delilah wear it again – although Delilah probably wouldn’t mind!”
Yes, yes I washed the sweatshirt, after treating it with something to help take the urine smell out.
Emma said, “I’m glad my mom didn’t have the pee filled shirt to deal with. It would have pushed her over the edge trying to get it off the dog!”
It was comical for sure. Because the only thing harder than getting a sweatshirt on a dog, is getting it off them. 😉 Then add the piss factor and, well it ain’t easy.
Blueberry’s Human asked, “Why oh why wasn’t anyone taping this?”
I ask myself that same question. Every. Fucking. Time.
Jan K said, “There is never a dull moment with you….LOL! I think you need to invest in some dog coats or shirts…they design them so you don’t have those issues; though you probably realize that now. :-)”
I keep saying that, but I’m not sure what kind of coat to get and I need one that has a place for the harness clip on the back. And how in the world do you measure a dog for a coat?
Beth said, “Barley would never let me put a sweatshirt on her and take her outside–I figure she has a double coat, so she’s probably “dressed” similarly to me. On really cold days, I’ll put the boots on her, but she’s started hiding under the bed when they come out, so usually I give in and we just go for really short little walks.”
Oh she didn’t LIKE it. But she had no choice. 🙂 I think Delilah’s with Barley. I’m pretty sure she hates the boots worse than she hates the sweatshirt.
Sue said, “Sorry, but I truly laughed out loud. Poor humiliated Delilah! And Sampson? Jodi, that was karma at work 😉”
That’s exactly what it was supposed to do Sue. And you’re probably right about Karma. But the funny thing was that wearing the sweatshirt didn’t bother him nearly as much as it bothered Delilah. LOL
Well folks, that’s it for me. I hope you have an amazing weekend!

Oh yikes! I missed the post about the loose dog! Sorry that happened to you! Some people are just so inconsiderate! We have been dealing with a lot of asshole dog owners lately and I’m getting sick of it.
I hope you have an awesome weekend! <3
Of course wearing the sweatshirt didn’t bother Sampson as much – he already had his revenge planned! Or did you think that was an accident?
Have a great weekend!
I agree with Emma. My mom would NOT have handled any of this very well at all. Gah!
Love and licks,
Have a good weekend, avoid the mean dogs, and don’t dress your dogs for the walks and life should be just fine 😉
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bet you got lots of Valentines with that cute face
Lily & Edward
Luke really seems to like his coats and sweaters. I’ve been trying different ones (I either win them or buy them on sale), but I’m not sure I’ve hit on the perfect one yet. Though the Hurtta seems right up there as far as warmth and coverage (most of them have holes on the back so you can put it over the harness and still hook it). Usually when you order them they tell you how to measure.
Of course, our frigid weather is probably (hopefully) all done for this year anyway!
I am still laughing at the sweatshirt peeing post!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
That surely would have infuriated me, I detest when people say “oh my dog is okay” I DON’T CARE, my dogs are protective and I really don’t want to find out the hard way your dog is not okay.
Great follow-up!
Hope you had a nice weekend.