Have you seen this dog?
If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook you’ll have noticed I’ve been posting pictures of Delilah with various sayings, many of them about breakfast.
The story behind the photos is this. Delilah is a food driven dog. And in the mornings, before she’s had breakfast, she’s up my ass. Wherever I go, she’s right there with me.
So when she started squeezing herself into the bathroom, or waiting just outside the door for me, I started snapping photos and adding captions which in my mind sounded like Delilah.
Note, I would be standing between her back and the sink. Yeah, that’s a tight squeeze!
Wax on, wax off.
A couple weeks back I got a tart warmer.
I put it in the bathroom.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
So yesterday morning, Delilah squeezed herself into the bathroom and shoved herself between my legs.
Do you know how hard it is to get dressed with a dog between your legs?
So I did what I’ve always done. I stepped over her.
Except I forgot about the tart warmer, and in the process of climbing over her, I hit the warmer with my arm.
And when I hit the warmer with my arm, I jiggled it hard enough so I wound up with tart wax on my shirt, my pants, the counter and the floor.
But I’m at a loss as to how to get it off my clothes. Anyone know how to get wax off of clothes?

GAH! Naughty girl! There is a way to get wax out of fabric. It involves covering the stain with a brown paper bag or some paper towels and then ironing on top of the paper to melt the wax and the paper will absorb it and pull it out. These things never work for me, so I have no faith in this recommendation, whatsoever. I think you should just go buy new clothes.
I think if you freeze it , it should flick right off
I think you put ice on it and it will come right off. Good thing the dog didn’t get waxed!
I would Google how to remove melted crayon, that should be about the same process. At least it wasn’t a whole laundry load as often happens with crayons 😉
Oh no! Hailey is also a huge pain if mealtime is not on the correct schedule. Cracks me up that she goes to bed as soon was we are done eating! Hope you can get the wax off.
I can’t believe you haven’t figured this out. Feed the dog, then go on with your day. 🙂
They got a great workout! I’m tired from just looking at the picture. Good job!
Ouch, hope you weren’t burnt! I think if you ice it, then scrape most will come off. Then if you use an oil (I know it seems counterproductive, but trust me it works) to dissolve any residue then wash…presto- chango it should be nearly as good as new. Or you’ll have an oil spot instead of wax on your shirt. If so, use Dawn…they use it on birds in oil spills. Good luck. ღ
I would use it as an excuse to go clothes shopping. I tried all these and then went clothes shopping.
I’ve heard the iron thing too – but I seem to recall it not working very well on a tablecloth.
Okay, you’ve stumped me – I have no idea what a “tart warmer” is. Do you have a lot of tarts you need to keep toasty??
Oh dear. I’ve got no clue about the wax–if it was pen ink, I could help, but I usually don’t even burn candles because I know Soth would find the melting wax an irresistible temptation. Good luck!
That’s what I can togetherness! Good luck with getting the wax off.
I’ve been seeing some of your photos on Facebook, love ’em! I need to get on Instagram more. Usually I trip over the dogs when I’m stepping over them and they decide to get up at the same time!
I’m with the other jan though…it seems like a good excuse to go clothes shopping! I had trouble even getting wax off my furniture.
I have no idea how to get wax off. It is so sweet that she wants to be so close to you!! I am thinking you need a bigger bathroom!!
OMD! Jan K must have Shadow’s clone!! 😂 Any time I try to step over Shadow, she nearly kills me cuz she gets up just as I’m straddling her! For the most part, I’ve just learned to go around her. When she was younger, I told her to move; but now that she’s older I let her stay put. But definitely, it’s time to go shopping for new clothes!
And just what IS a “tart warmer” anyway? Looks like a plug-in air freshener to me.
Oh no. Hope you got it off.
If you didn’t get it off yet you and put a paper towel over it and use a iron to iron it up into the towel.