Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – November 15 2015
Meagan and Merlin said, “My fave pic of Merlin is of him sleeping with his back end on the couch and his front end on the floor.”
Hahaha I call that the Jabba the Hutt pose. For some reason when Sampson does that it reminds me of Jabba the Hutt, only I call it Jabba the Mutt. 😉
Cupcake said, “Mom usually smiles at me in my sleep because I’m on my back, shaped like an S, with one leg sticking straight up, my lip is caught on my teeth, my ear is inside out, and I’m snoring the word, “Woof. Woof.””
I’m sure mom laughs quite a bit at you Cupcake. 😉
Emma asked, “Did she used to fear the vacuum?”
No, she has never been afraid of it, in fact she sits there while you vacuum, almost like she’s playing chicken with the vacuum. LOL
Jan K said, “She looks completely and totally relaxed and content and that would make me smile too… I often do the same…just seeing them happy makes me happy!”
I’m with you on that one sister! I love seeing them happy.
Jan said, “When you think of the awful sounds dogs hear from the vacuum that we don’t, this is even more remarkable.”
Neither one of them ‘hate’ the noise, but Sampson doesn’t care for it getting to close to him.
Jackie Bouchard said, “I love when a dog sleeps in a position that shows they’re totally secure. :-)As for Rita, it makes me smile when she falls asleep on the couch with her head hanging off the edge. How can that be comfortable? Doesn’t the blood run to a dog’s head like it would with a human??”
Yes, that is what this picture said to me. She feels safe and secure. It’s been a long road. I’m with you on that head hanging over the edge thing, I can’t see how it doesn’t make them light headed, but maybe it doesn’t bother them?
Blueberry’s Human said, “I wonder if our dogs ever stare at us when we are sleeping and if they do, what are they thinking? I doubt we look all that cute with our mouths hanging open and drool dripping onto the pillow, hair smooshed in an unattractive manner.”
Believe it or not, I’ve actually woken up to find Sampson staring at me, I’m not sure he’s thinking about the drool or the hair, but maybe “Hey biotch, I have to pee, wake your ass up.”
Rebekah said, “That would make me smile too. After 4.5 years, my Bruce still sleeps with his back to the wall.”
It takes a LONG time Rebekah, Delilah has been with us 8 years and I’ve only really noticed her relaxing more (not all the time though) in the past 1 1/2 to 2 years.
Natural Stride Joint Supplement
Jan K said, “We used Natural Stride for quite a while with Sheba too, and she did very well on it. But she started to be fussy about the powder on her food, so we decided to try something different.
I think it’s great that there are so many quality options to choose from out there. I don’t think it hurts to switch around every so often anyway. Each seems to have at least one unique ingredient and I think that’s a good thing. Certain ingredients might work better with some dogs than others too, or sometimes just a change can get something working better.”
I agree, I think it’s good to switch things up once in a while and I really like the convenience of these as chews. Especially if you’re traveling.
Blueberry’s Human said, ” He really got the short end of the stick as far as that surgery working, didn’t he?”
He sure did. I think part of it might be my fault, I was so strict and so careful with him, I think too much so. But I feel like there wasn’t much of a choice with a fully torn cruciate, still, I feel awful about how it turned out.
Emma said, “We are all on the supplement you told us about last winter and it has been a miracle for Katie.”
It’s been amazing for Sampson too, I just think it never hurts to try something new. 🙂
Jan said, “I’ve been taking glucosamine for many years and I think it helped to start early. I wonder if the same is true of dogs, taking it before it is really needed.”
I think it probably does. I wish I’d started Sampson on it sooner, I think it might have helped.
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “So do you change out supplements? I have always been hesitant to do that once we found one that worked well for the dogs.”
Typically, no. But after speaking with the rep, I was told there was one ingredient in this supplement that had helped mice with arthritis. The rep was upfront in saying that it typically works when the arthritis is caught early and it might not help Sampson. It certainly didn’t hurt him though.
The State of the Dog – Barks and Bytes
Honestly you guys are so amazing and have so many wonderful ideas. I just couldn’t add them all to this post, or you’d all still be reading on Monday. 🙂
I will respond to those comments directly, so if you left a comment or asked a question, please go back and check it out.
BUT before I go, I wanted to tell you that that crazy woman who calls herself Blueberry’s Human took the challenge I threw out to her in last Friday’s post and is attempting to teach Blueberry to use her human’s back as a stepping stool. If you want to read something funny, head over and check out her progress. 🙂
Well that’s it for me folks, thank you all so much for the love, support and suggestions, I know we’ll find a way to help my poor guy feel better.

Great follow up! Have a wonderful weekend!
Great follow up! Have an awesome weekend! 😀
Ha! I think Blueberry’s Human is a contortionist!
I guess Merlin does look a little like jabba the hutt when he does that lol. It reminds me of a slinky. He has this weird way of putting his front feet on the floor, then walking while dragging his back end off of the couch.
Have a great weekend and hope some of the tips you got work for Sampson!
Um…thanks for the shout out? I’m sure more people need to be aware of my insanity? Hehehehe – you are too funny!
Don’t beat yourself up over Sampson’s recovery. You are probably one of the few humans who took the vet’s instructions seriously on Sampson’s behalf. Not all surgeries have the same outcome. Cut yourself some slack. 🙂
I have caught Cocoa starting at me after I was up from sleeping. Hmmm, wonder what she was thinking!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
I love your follow ups, you get great tips for all of us,
Brilliant follow up once again!
I went back to that post to read your replies and remembered I forgot to comment on the smoke alarm issue. Our beagle Kobi was not afraid of anything…nothing (you could run him over with the vacuum)….except that damn smoke alarm. We have one that is stupidly close to our oven and used to go off whenever I cooked in the oven. (it beeps AND has the voice) It was to the point for poor Kobi that even just turning on the oven sent him into the corner trembling! It was so awful. So we either disconnect it or wave something frantically by it whenever we open the oven. Finally, in time, Kobi got over the fear of the oven. I know these alarms are necessary but the low battery beeping or chirping seems to bother all the dogs…it just seems like they could find a better way.
Have a wonderful weekend!