You make me smile, the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Delilah the way you jump into the car, when you see the hatch open, because you are so excited thinking you might go somewhere…
You make me smile.
My sister’s dog hates going in the car, but my dogs love it. How do your dogs feel about the car, do they get as excited as Delilah does?

When Merlin was 8 wks old. We travelled from the south coast of Australia to the east coast and back again. So he spent a couple of days travelling to his new home in the car. He slept in front of my feet in the passenger side. Now it makes him sleepy and he loves hanging his head out of the window. We were lucky he didn’t get car sick.
My dogs enjoy car rides as well. They are always going somewhere exciting!
Hailey does the same thing.
Too funny, Delilah! Hope you get to go for a ride soon!
Luke loves to ride, the girls not so much. Yet, I think they still know car rides can lead to fun, because they will also jump into an open car when they see a chance!
I used to get car sick when I first came here. Mom practiced with me. We played with toys in the parked car and had treats in there. Then we practiced taking short rides to fun places. Now I LOVE the car!
Love and licks,
Cocoa loves the car and will go crazy when we tell her she can ride. We want to take her this morning but the issue with her is chewing things up inside the car!! Daisy did not like the car at all. She would tolerate it to get her to the park but that is all!!
We always enjoy going along, but sometimes we are tired out and would rather stay home in which case Mom has to get us energized to move to the car for continuing our naps. Saying nose work, or photo shoot usually will motivate me, though.
My dogs love the car but three need a boost to get in.
Ducky loves going for rides in the car, because for her it usually means going to daycare to play with her friends. Shadow, on the other hand, is not thrilled about car rides unless I say “the park”. Since Callie got sick, a ride in the car has usually meant going to the vet’s so I can empathize with her. And with all the rain we’ve had these last 2 months, it’s been too messy at the park.
My dogs are super excited to jump in the car too whenever the doors are open and don’t understand why I tell them to get the heck out we are not going anywhere’s.
I love her subtly approach to tell you she wants to go. Neither of my two liked the car very much – I have no idea why!
Blueberry likes rides now but I have to put her home-made step stool down and put my foot on it to make sure it doesn’t move around and then throw a treat into the car before she will get in. Every. Single. Time. I never really think about how she has me wrapped around her spotted paw until I see it in print and then I realize how it must look. Blueberry should really write her own book about how to train the perfect human.
My guys are very happy to ride in the car. Of course, being corgis, they need a boost in both directions. The only time they don’t like it is when they feel the turns that they know mean we have just driven to the vet’s office. Amazing how they figure that out!
Aww that’s so cute that she loves getting in there. I’m not sure why but Laika does not like the back of my car (it’s a harchback as well), but she’ll excitedly jump in any of the normal seats. Maybe I should have practiced more with her riding back there when she was young… who knows.
Of course mine love the car. It might mean they are going training or hunting. 🙂
On the two hour drive bringing Gwynn home, he puked, peed and pooped. He was a wee bit stressed out. After that, he got pretty consistently car-sick. Thankfully he’s grown out of that, but he still very barely tolerates getting into the car, and curls up in an anxious drooling bundle until we get where we’re going.
Sam ‘loves’ the idea of going in the car and he excitedly barks waiting for me to open a door. He sits proudly in the back sit and as soon as I turn the ignition, he turns into Flat Stanley not to be seen again until the keys are removed. Having had 2 fat-headed Old English Sheepdogs who loved nothing more than blocking the rear-view mirror when not drooling on the windows, this doesn’t seem so bad. Still I wished he actually enjoyed it rather than be traumatized by it (he usually pants like a mad-dog or shakes uncontrollably till we arrive). 😉