First off, I want to announce the winner’s of our Rocky’s Rollers Rock Our World giveaway.
You may recall we shared that post a couple of weeks back and told you we would give away (actually it’s Jones Natural Chews who is giving it away) three bags of Rocky’s Rollers. I told you all I would announce the winners today, and low and behold I remembered to have the drawing. 🙂
So without further ado… I started with the first comment (via Facebook Plug IN) and asked for three numbers between 1 and 21. I was given 13, 16 and 21 and those winners are: Molly Pitcher, Sandy Weinstein and 2 Brown Dawgs! Congratulations, I’ll be contacting you via e-mail and will forward you information to the folks at Jones Natural Chews!
Thanks to all of you who entered.
Warning…rant and bad words ahead.
Siriusly WTF…
Really today’s post could have been a what the fuck post. My head is about to explode.
It started out with the photo on Facebook of a Great Dane “dressed up” as a horse, with a small child in costume on his back.
From the snap shot I felt the dog was uncomfortable and I shared it on my Facebook page with this caption, “This is wrong on so many levels. That someone thinks it’s okay to do this to their dog, that someone thinks it’s cute enough to share it. And when the dog bites the kid, the dog is the one at fault. Wake the fuck up people.”
I can’t share the picture here because the Facebook or Google police will get pissed off, but you can see it on my Facebook page.
Upon venturing to the original picture to read the comments (Why, oh why do I do that? Bangs head on desk) it only pissed me off more. The people who spoke up against it were told to “get a grip” “the kid only weighs 20 pounds” “It’s probably a staged photo, the kid didn’t actually RIDE the dog”. So it may be that the photo was staged and no-one actually RODE the dog, STILL some fucking ignoramus will think it’s okay and do the same thing with horrific results.
I’m stating it right here and right now, if anyone tries to ride one of my dogs, I will knock them so hard in the mouth, they will give new meaning to the term, “Talking out your ass.”
How to introduce your kitten to your dogs.
Next, one of my friends shared this on Facebook.
To put this message in context, the question posed initially was how do I introduce my new kitten to my two Huskies?
You’ll notice I’ve added icons to cover the names as I wouldn’t want my friend to have someone pissed off at her. Mind you my friend is represented by the sweet little tiger icon.
Notice the lovely advice my friend gave? To supervise the interactions so the dog doesn’t get too rough.
See the response from the dragon lady. Yes, I gave her a fucking dragon for an icon because 1) that’s medieval advice and 2) what kind of evil woman lets her children do this to a kitten? What kind of sociopathic children will she have? And one day when her kid does something heinous, she will go, I wonder what happened? AND what did she do to her children to prepare THEM for the evils of this world?
No, it doesn’t get any better. We were hoping someone had schooled her on how horrible the idea was, but this was the next exchange.
Notice she’s still a dragon and notice the original poster has a “BAM” covering her name. That’s me, smacking her upside her stupid head for thinking this is a good idea.
Did you see that last bit? Yeah, she has a puppy now. God only knows what the dragon lady is doing to that sweet puppy.
Had enough? I had, but then….another friend shared a video on Facebook of a baby that looked to be about 12 to 15 months old sitting in front of a clearly pissed off cat. Queue the video, the baby takes its hand and smacks the cat upside its head and the cat, launches itself at the baby, knocking it over.
Now I ask you, what kind of fucking idiot sets their baby up for something like that? And the cat.?Now the baby is afraid of the cat and will do Dog only knows what and the cat is afraid of the baby.
One of my friends, friends wrote under the video “That’s so funny! I literally laughed out loud!” And I wrote back, “THAT isn’t funny at all. That’s horrible! WTF is wrong with people?” To which my friend acknowledged that while he thought it was funny, “Their parenting skills needed work.”
Dear Facebook, If you don’t stop showing me stuff from stupid people, I’m going to have to unfriend you.
End Rant.
Run Fast, Run Free Jeffie.
Our hearts are heavy and we send our love and sympathies to Sue and the crew over at The Talking Dogs Blog who are grieving over the loss of their precious Jeffie.
This is the Thursday Barks and Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog. Grab the badge and the linky code and join us! Please only link up blog posts and as a courtesy to the other hoppers, please add the linky to your post and/or link back to the hosts’ blogs.

Congrats to the winners!
The photo of the Great Dane and the kid irritated me too! I can’t believe that people think that’s an okay thing to do. The second post about the kitty really hurts my heart, too.. It’s a really good way to teach a cat to use it’s weapons.. So sad! 🙁
It never ceases to amaze me how absolutely stupid people can be at times. 🙁
Our hearts are heavy, too, over Sue and her family’s loss of Jeffie. We also send them our love and sympathy. Perhaps our Callie greeted Jeffie and now has a new friend in Heaven.
Well done, winners!
I saw the photo, too. How can people be so… idiotic and blind!
I bet those Rocky Roller winners are drooling all over their keyboards. As for the other stuff, face it most humans seem to lack common sense and are protected these days from the process of natural selection, so they stay around forever! Humans!
I think photos depend on context. If that Great Dane photo was part of an ad for for a product, I think people would have said, huh cute and not much more. Or maybe they would have been offended. I do not know. I personally dislike videos of kids and photos when it is clear that one or both are uncomfortable but a photo is but a moment in time and may not tell the story. I must admit that I am tired of all the endless videos and graphics filling my newsfeed from people I do not know or causes I do not care about. I have started hiding them when they are to excess. Excited about winning! Thanks!
Ya. Stupid people are EVERYWHERE!!
Ugh….it’s stuff like that that makes people quit Facebook. There is way too much stupid and appalling and heartbreaking crap on there.
I was going over there to check it all out, but I was stopped by Maggie’s post about losing Lucas. Now we have to add her heartbreak to Sue’s…I am so sad for both of them. I’m not sure it matters whether you know it’s coming or not. The bottom line is you are still without your beloved companion.
People can be so stupid. It makes me so sad to see an animal treated like this. People need to know that dogs and cats, all animals have feelings and need to be treated with RESPECT!!
I was amazed at how many people thought the kid riding dog was funny, but I’ve seen so many videos that made me want to take the kid and the pet into protective custody.
Ugh….stuff like that makes my blood boil!! I keep thinking about just unhooking from the evil FB and closing my account entirely but just haven’t done it yet.
Congrats to the winners and oye to the dumb people!