I love photos. Siriusly. I have one of those digital photo frames where you upload your photos and they are presented in a little slide show. Pictures of my family, all the kids, grandkids, dogs, landscape, etc.. I could watch that thing like it was a TV, all day long. And each time I say, “Oh I love that picture!”
Because I’m typically the only one taking the photos in this house, pictures of the dogs are usually candids on the go (unless I try and stage a shoot, which rarely works.) I don’t know about you, but I take lots of pictures. I might take five different photos and not use any of them, or I might find one I really like and use it more than once, changing the captions.
Typically, I’m just snapping away with no real thought as to how I will use the photo, until the time comes where I’m looking for a photo to use in a post, and I start scrolling through mine to see which one fits my criteria.
My camera is a little point and shoot, it’s a step up from the first one I had, but I really haven’t taken the time to learn how to use it.
Even so, despite the fact that I am not a professional photographer, I still love snapping what I think are unique photos
Here are a few.
This picture is one I took of the sun coming up over the field. I love the way the clouds are colored with pink and the sky looks like a pale purple, I captured just the tips of the trees.
I took this one without the flash early one morning. It’s also the sunrise, but this particular section of the neighborhood doesn’t have a lot of streetlights, nor does it have telephone/electric lines. I love how it’s sort of off balance, like the world is tilting.
Again, early morning. The moon was still visible along with a planet. This area has telephone/electric lines so I zoomed in in order to cut out the lines.
This photo was also taken on that dark street. Since I get up at the butt crack of ass now to walk the dogs, it’s always dark. This was the moon and two planets and they were in such a cool line, that I had to attempt a photo.
Of course, I’m constantly taking photos in the woods. I love how the light shines down and some areas appear to be greener than others, while some lay in shadows. Then there are the times when the entire woods seem to be bathed in green. I’m not sure if I changed a setting on the camera or I just got lucky, but I love the way this photo sort of looks magical.
Which one of these was your favorite?
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So pretty. I think you’re more of a photographer than you realize – in spite of not being sure what setting you might have accidentally changed on the camera…. 🙂 Great shots!
Wait. What? How are these called pictures without any dogs in them. This is crazy!
Love and licks,
Those are all beautiful! (LOL – and I love Cupcake’s comment above!)
Monty and Harlow
I definitely love that last one of the magical woods! The others are great, too; but I love the last one. Makes me long for a walk in the woods around my friend’s house up near Asheville. The woods up there are magical to begin with, but Autumn colors just make it seem even more so.
I’m not a professional photographer either, so my little point and shoot is perfect for me. But my iPhone takes some pretty nifty pix, too. And it’s usually close by.
I’m a sucker for a good sunrise shot, so I would that is my favorite.
We like the two moon and two planets one the best. Even though Mom has a fancy camera, shots in the dark only really work with her cheap point and shoot. Now, we have to ask since we always wonder and never ask…do you spell siriously this way on purpose? We find it funny, but Mom is a spelling, grammar person and inquiring fanatics want to know 😉
The night sky is beautiful these days
Lily & Edward
Pretty pictures!! I take lots of pictures too and most all are of Cocoa. I take a lot to get the good ones. I usually run with my phone but sometimes when I don’t I see some beautiful things and then I’m like how am I ever going to remember without a picture 🙂
I love photos!! I need to get out and take some nice fall ones. 🙂
These are great! I think the 3rd one with the moon is my favorite. Even with my fancy new camera, I haven’t attempted any nighttime (or early morning!) photos. I barely know how to take normal pictures and get them to come out good yet…LOL.
those are some really cool photos.
I love taking photos. Your silhouettes are lovely.
Nice photos. I take lots of photos I never have space to use.