I hate to break this to you, but I don’t always say or do the right thing. So many times, I open my mouth and insert my foot. (Too damn many times.)
What I really love about having a blog is the ability to write something and tweak it, until it sounds exactly like I want it to. No awkward, “oops, I guess I shouldn’t have said that.” Because most times sometimes friends, I’m NOT politically correct and sometimes, I’m a bitch and sometimes I’m a bitch when I don’t mean to be a bitch and then there are times when I should be a bitch, but I’m not.
As any of you that read this blog know, walking my dogs where I live can be quite challenging. There’ve been a number of times when we’ve run into someone and their dogs where I should have said something other than what I did. Or times when I WISH I’d said it differently.
Times where I really want a do over.
So here’s what happened.
One sunny spring day on our afternoon walk, I heard a car start up and realized it was coming from the house we were approaching. I stopped the dogs to wait while the person backed out of their driveway.
The man backed out and started to move towards us and then stopped, rolling down his window. Delilah was sitting calmly beside me in the grass, while Sampson was dancing thinking he was about to make a new friend.
“What’s going on?” the man asked me.
“Nothing.” I replied.
“Well I don’t like the dogs on my lawn.”
I was stunned and at a loss, “I’m sorry” I managed to get out, “I was stopping to let you back out of your driveway.”
I walked away trying not to cry, it just felt so mean.
I’ve thought it over and over in my mind and if I ever have a situation like that again here’s what I’d like to say.
“Actually my dog is sitting on the ROW, also known as the Right of Way. It’s the first five or so feet of your property and in this case, it’s owned by the town in case they decide to add sidewalks to the neighborhood, or maybe widen the road. I was being polite in not putting myself or my dogs in your way while you were backing out, but don’t worry, that won’t happen again. Next time, I’ll let you hit me. Oh and as for my dogs on your lawn, I wouldn’t let them on your lawn to piss on you if you were on fire. Have a nice day, douche bag.”
My devious mind came up with a revenge plot but I won’t do it, because Karma really is a bitch, BUT I am actually going to use this exact scenario with my revenge in one of my books.
Do you ever wish for a Do Over? Given the option, what would your do over be?

I could use SO many do overs SO many times each day with SO many people in SO many situations. But it’s a fine line between being easy-going and just really not caring AT ALL. I have crossed that line and have reached the age where I flat out don’t give a s&#% about most things. Nothing is a matter of life or death …unless it is actually a matter of LIFE or DEATH. Barring that, I have moved on…
Oh yes…do overs…I have wished for so many….sometimes the situation comes up again and i actually get to use them! Lol
That man was a jerk…I hope you get a do over with him!
The guy is an asshole, plain and simple. And not worth your time. BUT I understand how you feel; and I can’t wait to read about your revenge plot. 🙂 It will make for some fun reading, with lots of laughs and smiles, I’m sure!
All-The-Time. And I worked with a gal for years that was so damn funny. But she was great at open mouth, insert foot. She use to say she had a show store in her mouth.
Mom wanted to type some bad words but I stopped her. My mom is always too polite, but she wishes she would be able to blurt out her true feelings. Poor Katie has so much trouble walking, and in her old age, sometimes just poops with no warning on a walk. She pooped on a neighbor’s lawn one day, Mom was picking it up and the mean lady yells out the door some crap about how much money she spends on her lawn and how this poop will ruin it, blah, blah, blah. Mom just said sorry and walked on. Now she refuses to speak to that lady but wishes she had given her a speech on dealing with a senior dog and all the issues and how she did not pee, only pooped and it was picked up within seconds. The world would be a much nicer place without many of the people in it.
I like how you shared your feelings on this post – I felt like I was right there with you. I’ve felt like that before, and it’s not fun.
Some people are just too into their lawns – jeez!
LOL. I love it. There are so many times I think of the perfect reply AFTER!! I need to have some practiced responses for stupid people 🙂
I agree! Especially with comebacks… you sit there with an open mouth for 10 seconds, the person walks away again, THEN you think so an amazing comeback for them. Cringes!
Fortunately, we’ve moved to a small town where people generally settle for silent stares and keep their thoughts to themselves 😉
I understand…I would love some do overs for sure!!
I can’t wait to read that book!
Why do people have to be so mean? They don’t stop and realize how much they hurt people’s feelings and that can ruin someone’s day. I’m really glad we live in the country. When we see people on our walks, they usually say something like “nice dog”, even to Luke when he’s getting ready to start barking at them!
It never ceases to amaze me how rude humans can be for no reason at all. I wrote a post about snappy comebacks last week. I need to use them. ☺
You are nicer than me. My reply would have been “too bad”. lol
I’m always nice too and later wish I would have said all the witty things that I didn’t think of in the heat of the moment. But then I think of how miserable those people must be in their lives and with their families. I ALMOST feel bad for them because they’ve got to be pretty unhappy to get so bent out of shape about the little things in life. Then…I smile. 🙂
oh my, you should of flipped him the bird. really????