You make me laugh (or smile), the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you drink the water directly from the container as I’m pouring it into your dish…
You make me laugh.
Ever since he was a puppy, he’s loved drinking his water from a bottle, or from the container. He only does it for few seconds, and then he drinks it from his bowl, but it really is adorable.
Anyone else have a pet that prefers to drink from something other than their water dish?

My dogs do this, too! Bowls aren’t high enough class for them, are they…?
Mo insists on drinking from the ice water I bring to bed every night. And even more oddly, it’s ALWAYS around 10:00 pm!
Mom bought me 3 new bowls before she figured out that I am not afraid of my bowl, I just don’t like to drink water. Period. Sometimes I will lick water off the grass or try to drink from a puddle of filth outside. Mostly, mom just fills my bowl with spring water each morning and throws it out to refill the next morning.
Love and licks,
Sampson might like one of those fountains? Luke almost always drinks out of the top of the fountain where the water is bubbling out. There might be something about moving water with some dogs, since Luke also likes to drink out of the hose. Does Sampson do that too?
Made me smile, too. Jeffie likes to help me water houseplants – he gets a drink along with the plants. He used to be big on helping water outside, too. Not only would he get a drink now and then, he’d grab the hose to pull it along π
OH! That is just too cute! I bet it was unbearably precious when Sampson was just a teeny-weenie pup! π
I’m sure thinks I’ll probably snatch the bowl away so he gets his licks in while the getting is good. π Sweet Sampson, it’s no wonder he makes you smile.
We have a filter on the fridge so fill Rita’s bowl up out of her reach, but she knows how to/enjoys drinking from a stream since we carry a water bottle for her to drink out of when we go on walks.
You’d be surprised how many of the dogs at the shelter run over when I go around topping up their bowls with the water pitcher. A lot of them love to drink from the stream! Always makes me smile.
Bailie drinks from a bottle, hose, or whatever has water. Maybe Sampson would like a fountain because of liking running water.
Cody does the same thing! When I’m pouring water into the bowl, he decides this would be the best time to drink. And once the water’s in the bowl, he’s suddenly like “No thank you!” and walks off!
it always tastes better on the way out of something.
That is very cute.