Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – September 13, 2015
Taryn said, “Mine don’t drool on walks but they drool like crazy watching us eat! They pretty much leave puddles on the kitchen floor! And, oh boy, is it gross stepping in ones of those with a bare foot!”
Ugh, that’s gross!! Delilah does that at night just before bed when I get her treats ready. I need to keep a towel in the nightstand to wipe her saliva up.
Paved by Pawprints said, “Oh Delilah! That’s too funny 🙂 It looks like her eyes are saying ‘What? What did I do?””
Great caption, I hope you don’t mind that I ‘borrowed’ it. 🙂
Cupcake said, “Mom said the word, “eeeewwwww.” She says that a lot around here. I usually drool for table food or a treat that waits too long. After I eat whatever I’m drooling about, I lick the drool off my front legs. ”
Oh Cupcake, you always make me laugh. I can’t imagine licking the drool off your legs.
Emma said, “Bailie drools when she is waiting for her meals or treats, but it runs out of her mouth like a faucet”
Ugh, it’s like Pavlov’s dogs.
Monika said, “Add a couple Swarovski crystals and it’s Runway time for the D-Dog! Sam doesn’t drool (unlike his sibling sheepdogs from years ago-awk-I’m still finding drool flings in remote parts of the house!) but he manages to get eye snot on pant legs or bedspreads just for the fun of it.”
LOL I could make a rhinestone muzzle for her. Gross to the drool flings and I feel your pain with the eye snot. Delilah either gets eye snot, OR because she’s always got her face to the ground, I’ve got a good shot of getting dirt on my pants.
So many of you agreed about how hard it is keeping up with social media, it seems like every time I turn around, there’s something new. I do see some peeps that seem like they are doing it all, but I can’t. So what I do is focus on one form at a time. Facebook is the venue I’m most comfortable with. I use Triberr for my tweets (anyone want to join my tribe?) and I post on Instagram whenever I think about it. Honestly, there is only so much you can do.
Lauren Miller (ZoePhee) says, “It’s awesome that you can have her go check things out and come back to you! I do that sometimes if the girls get startled by something.”
It surprised me that she got it right away. Most times she just makes a giant circle and runs right back to me. On the rare occasion she wants a few seconds of sniffing, she seems to know that she needs to return quickly.
Taryn said, “My guys don’t get the off leash freedom too often. It really does put a crimp in their fitness training.”
I keep saying I need to find a fenced in place for her to run, but where? A tennis court would be too small and I’m not sure how a baseball field would work. I feel like getting her heart racing and stretching her legs, AND letting her do something she loves and is good at is a win-win.
Emma said, “That is a fun thing about dogs. If a command doesn’t work, you can choose something else and make it work. Instead of come, you can say sofa and it will work if you train for it.”
Exactly Emma! But the human has to find a word THEY will remember to use. 😉
Jan K said, “Luke is quite a runner too, and he amazes me when he corners around obstacles, or jumps over them (he’ll jump right over his sisters if they’re in his way). We’re lucky to have the big fenced in yard that he can run in, and with the deck and trees in there it gives him plenty of obstacles to go around. I’d love to see him and Delilah running together, I bet they’d have a blast! They’d probably be really good at agility too.”
It’s a sight to see, isn’t it? Our yard is fenced too, but it’s very hilly and overgrown, so unless they hear something outside, or there are deer outside the fence, they don’t do a lot of running. And she jumps over Sampson too, which just cracks me up.
Blueberry’s Human said, “Blueberry said if you don’t want Delilah to find out that she’s capable of jumping over a 5 foot barrier, that she would like a deer of her own to chase her. You may drop the deer off at a location to be disclosed at a later time.”
I’ll PM you the date and time. 😉
Jan says, “It would be wonderful to experience the total joy that dogs have in just running across a field.”
I think so too Jan.
Sue said, “And then there’s my Rudy who can fly over a 5 1/2 foot fence. Thankfully, he knows he’s not supposed to and does it rarely. As soon as he’s cleared the fence it’s like he “comes to” and promptly sits. He stays there looking totally humiliated until we rescue him. ”
Oh poor Rudy! Just sits there, huh? Delilah would start snarfing about for foodables.
Monika said, “Gawd it’s beyond wonderful when Doglish and English match up and you’re both on the same page, isn’t it? You’re oh-so-right, D-Girl has mad running and pivoting skills-bet you even get whiplash sometimes watching her. You sure she isn’t related to a cutting horse?”
It sure is! The funny thing is, I never really ‘worked’ her on that command. I just did it one day and she somehow knew what I wanted her to do! …Quite truthfully I’m not really sure she’s a dog. 😉 I often wonder if the people who had her before me had different commands. It might have saved me a whole lot of tears. LOL
I Knew That’d Bite Me In The…Barks and Bytes
Emma said, “If that thing was in our yard, we would have howled to the heavens in the dark, early morning until it had been properly investigated!”
I thought she would have woke my mom up, because her bedroom is basically below the front door, but mom said she didn’t hear a thing.
Jan K said, “LOL. I can definitely see our dogs doing the same, especially Luke. We once had a wheelbarrow full of bags of mulch down in the veggie garden area, and he would not stop barking at it until I took him down there to inspect it.”
Yes, it’s when there’s something there and they don’t know what it is. Since then, every time we walk out that door, she sniffs the scarecrow. Thankfully she hasn’t barked at it again though!
Flea said, “I’d totally do something like this. I wake in the middle of the night and think someone is standing in my bedroom all the time.”
Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt to prove it!
2 Brown Dawgs said, “LOL that would totally be Storm too. Delilah and Storm are truly separated at birth!”
I really do see a lot of similarities with those two. 🙂
Monika said, “Snort…yes, I did actually snort…all over my screen, all over the keyboard (note to self…NEVER read Jodi’s posts while drinking coffee!!). … I had a dog about 25 years ago who did the same thing with a Winken, Blinken and Nye statute at the park-in broad daylight! Funny as I recall it now, I probably snorted then too. ”
Yahoo! My work here is done. Pamela shoots milk out her nose and Monika snorts. I’m doing something right!
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s mom said, “Ducky would have totally lost her shit! And would have awakened everyone within 10 miles of us in the process. And eventually Shadow would have gone to see what all the fuss was about. Then she would have wagged her tail at the girl with the pole up her ass.”
Um hm. Sampson was curious too, but he wasn’t losing it like she was. LOL
Well that’s it for me my friends, have an amazing weekend!

Great follow up! Have an awesome weekend!
A great week wrap-up (as usual), Jodi. Ear scratches all around and hopefully the wind won’t blow the scarecrow into some menacing pose to make D-Dog go bonkers crazy. Happy weekend. 🙂
Sampson is such an easy-going guy! So is Shadow for the most part these days. Except when Daddy yells at Ducky.
Jan is right. Running free would be joyous. Leashes! Ugh.!!
Love and licks,
Maybe your mom isn’t hearing as well as you think? Time for Pavlov to take her dog for a run! Have a great weekend!
Great follow up, have a wonderful weekend.
I always love your follow ups, they remind me of the original post and I laugh all over.
I have also slipped in dog drool on the kitchen floor, and that is some slippery stuff. So far I haven’t gone down (knock wood).
Yikes, people are scaring me with saying their dogs can jump over 5 or 5 1/2 foot fences. Our is 5 feet and I worry that Luke will try it when he sees the deer out there….I’m afraid he could really do it! But all of our dogs seem to be comfortable staying inside the yard, so I hope he would never want to go out there.
Have a great weekend!
Haha, I’m glad you like the caption! Cody has a “what did I do?” face as well 🙂 Great follow up!
It was a great week!