I’m not big on decorating my house for holidays.
Okay, it’s true I do decorate the inside at Christmas, but rarely do I do any type of decorating on the outside.
So when I happened to be at the Home Depot with my grandchildren for their monthly workshop, they requested we go look at the Halloween items and I’m not really sure what came over me, but I found myself picking up a few items to decorate the house.
You saw the scarecrow in the #dogfallfun picture I posted on Monday. **Side note** Have you entered our Instagram contest yet? It’s not too late, I’d love for the winner to be one of you!
We took it out on the little balcony at the front of the house and I asked my little granddaughter where we should place it. She suggested in front of my bedroom window.
HELL NO! Do you know how many times a night I’d wake up, look out that window and crap my pants?
I convinced her to prop the scarecrow in the corner, by the slider (out of sight of any glass). I was perfectly content to leave it there, I mean in the past we’ve had things stolen from our vehicles and our yard and it would piss me off to walk the dogs up in the woods and find my scarecrow propped up staring at me. Not to mention the start I’d get from a distance thinking it was a real person.
But when I came home from work on Tuesday Hubby had the scarecrow and his sledgehammer.
“I thought I’d put this up, where do you want it?”
We debated it. He wanted it close to the house, but I was afraid it would startle mom if she looked out the window. (We don’t need her crapping her pants!)
Since I didn’t want it too far from the house, I suggested the middle of the lawn, on the other side of the sidewalk. Which meant it was in front of the front door.
This is going to bite me in the ass I thought to myself, but aloud I said, “It will probably drive the dogs crazy.”
In hindsight I should have taken the dogs outside immediately. During the daylight so they could check her out. But I didn’t.
Flash forward to 6:00 yesterday morning.
Did I remember that the fuggin’ scarecrow was out there?
No. No, I did not.
It’s been darker in the mornings now, and that makes it harder to get up, but I did. I’d been in that great zone, you know the one, where you sleep really good right before it’s time to wake up.
I got up, got the dog’s food ready, dressed myself and grabbed all my gear. I leashed up the dogs, opened the front door and all I can say, is thank DOG there is a storm door in place, because Delilah lost her shit.
I took a deep breath, grasped the leashes tightly, opened the storm door and was dragged eight feet to the scarecrow, where she inspected it thoroughly.
And then again when we got back home because there was more light and she could.
I knew that’d bite me in the ass.
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Oh no! LOL! Poor Delilah! That is too funny!
Well… 😛 Glad Delilah got to get up close with it ;P
Good girl, D. Somebody has to watch the house. It might as well be you. Can’t be too careful. At Halloween time, Mom has to pretty much carry me everywhere. That scarecrow would’ve turned me to stone!
Love and licks,
We don’t decorate outside much either, too much hassle. If that thing was in our yard, we would have howled to the heavens in the dark, early morning until it had been properly investigated!
LOL. I can definitely see our dogs doing the same, especially Luke. We once had a wheelbarrow full of bags of mulch down in the veggie garden area, and he would not stop barking at it until I took him down there to inspect it.
Thanks for the heads up, in case I was thinking about getting a scarecrow…I do like some fall decorations but I guess I’ll stick to pumpkins and mums. 🙂
LOL Without a doubt the same thing would have happened here. Although I suspect Jeffie would have noticed it right away. (After all, he’s in charge of security and spends time each day at the front door.)
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Omigoodness. I laughed so hard. I’d totally do something like this. I wake in the middle of the night and think someone is standing in my bedroom all the time.
LOL that would totally be Storm too. Delilah and Storm are truly separated at birth!
Snort…yes, I did actually snort…all over my screen, all over the keyboard (note to self…NEVER read Jodi’s posts while drinking coffee!!). The visual images are just too priceless. I had a dog about 25 years ago who did the same thing with a Winken, Blinken and Nye statute at the park-in broad daylight! Funny as I recall it now, I probably snorted then too. Delilah…you just crack me up. 🙂
Now you know you are safe from an all out scarecrow invasion. Not many people can say that.
Ducky would have totally lost her shit! And would have awakened everyone within 10 miles of us in the process. And eventually Shadow would have gone to see what all the fuss was about. Then she would have wagged her tail at the girl with the pole up her ass. 🙂
PS. We don’t decorate the outside at all any more. Too much work and costs too much to be worth the effort.
Hahahaha! That’s so funny! Mine would do the same thing! Last time I did yard decorating the dogs just trampled all through it. Ugh. I like your little scarecrow girl!
Ha…I’m kind of lucky Jack is getting older and losing his eyesight, so thing like that – he wouldn’t even see.
In case you don’t remember our scarecrow last year you should check out this old post of mine – http://www.dzdogs.com/2014/10/halloween-holiday-dog-safety.html
But same story with the dogs at our house! We have another scarecrow building contest this year so i’m scheming to figure out how to win again!
Haha! Your story made my day, hilarious!! That also explains the expressions on Sampson and Delilah’s faces in the first picture.
hahahaha Glory would freak out and bark her head off at it!!