Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – September 6, 2015
It was a hung jury on this one. Half of you have dogs that don’t mind the vet, while the other half have dogs that hate it. Here are some of your comments.
Lauren Miller (ZoePhee) said, “They hate it! It’s so sad! I used to work there so they know something bad will happen if we go to the “room”.”
Sheena said, “Moey poops and tries to climb me like a monkey in a tree! (me being the tree) He hates going to the vet as much as he hates going to the groomer!”
Cupcake said, “I do the same thing, S. And when they finally come bearing sticks to put in my butt, needles to stick me with, and lights to shine in my ears and eyes, I don’t hold it against them. ”
Jan said, “My guys are obnoxious from the time the car stops until we leave the parking lot. They need Sampson lessons.”
Rebekah said, “Neeko and Faolan are excellent. Bruce draws a crowd, because he’s such an ass. He always wears his party hat (muzzle) to the vet.”
Taryn said, “I’ve never had a dog that was happy to be at the vet’s office. Mine have to be dragged in! It is pure torture for them!”
Blueberry’s Human said, “Blueberry likes some parts of it – not all. Usually, when they call her to go back, they weigh her first. After she is done getting weighed – she ALWAYS tries to make her exit”
Rub a Dub Dub, Two Dogs in a Tub (Sort of)
Cupcake said, “No carpet, but not to worry. I get the water off me and onto the couch.”
That’s using your ingenuity Cupcake! Sometimes Sampson uses the couch too!
2 Brown Dawgs said, “We never bath brown dawgs unless they run into something stinky…say a skunk. ;-)”
Poor Storm. 😉 Your dawgs are in the water a LOT. I think they probably don’t need a bath. LOL
Taryn said, “For two dogs who love to swim, mine despise baths! And, OY!, the shedding that happens after a corgi gets a bath, let alone TWO corgis!”
Yah know! Delilah loves to swim too, but hates the bath. And trying to get two LABS outside to potty in the rain…LOL
Elaine said, “Aren’t they funny how they try to avoid things sometimes by slowly walking off like they hope we don’t notice what they’re doing?”
LOL Oh yes. One second she’s standing there and the next second she’s gone.
Emma said, ” Bailie also knows when she is all lathered up, it is the perfect time to escape since she is as slippery as a greased pig. Mom really enjoys trying to hang onto her when she is all soaped up.”
I’m sure it’s the highlight of your Mom’s day Emma. LOL
Jan K gave Luke and Cricket baths too, this is what she had to say, “I let them outside after a few minutes, and first thing Cricket did was roll in the grass (at least not the dirt), and Luke did zoomies just like Delilah!”
The first thing Sampson did was try to roll around on the deck. It was covered with dead leaves, acorns, twigs and God knows what else. You can guess that I stopped that right quick!
Jan said, “We mostly just sat under the air conditioner register and read to each other.”
Damn, I knew poodles were smart, but how did you teach them to read? 😉
All Things Collie said, “We just discovered a new pet supply store that has three “do it yourself ” dog washing stations. For $10 you can give your dog a bath using their shampoo, water and raised bathtubs. Much easier on our backs!”
I’ve heard of those! I’m not sure if there are any near me, I’ll have to check it out. I think $10 is a really good price too!
Nose to the Grindstone – Barks and Bytes
Vicki Stringfellow Cook said, “Last night, I let Zora out before bed. I could tell there was something out in the yard, so I got the flashlight. Two deer were standing underneath the crabapple tree. They froze when I shined the light on them, but luckily Zora just stood there looking at them.”
Thankfully our yard is fenced it. Although we did have a deer jump the fence once. But even so, the dogs run the fence line when they see a deer on the outside. Good thing Zora didn’t want to chase them!
Ann Cluck said, “We have a family of deer that have lived here for years and they are kept safe by the neighborhood. One dusky night, sure enough, there was a doe and her tiny fawn standing in my backyard!!! Of course, Lady Girl went bat shit (I used that word because you did, BOL) and I had to fight to stop her from going full run at them.
OMG I’m glad you were able to contain her, and please feel free to use bat shit or whatever you like here. I like keeping it real. 😉
We Live in a Flat said, “The town councils sometimes cull bird populations by spreading poisoned food around, so no food off the ground is any uptight pet parents’ policy around here.”
UGH that’s awful! I’d never be able to walk Delilah, she’d be dead before we went a block!
Lauren Miller said, “Zoe is the same way as Delilah. A lot of the time I will use the “give Phoenix treats” method to get her attention.”
Sometimes it’s the only thing that gets her attention!
Elaine said, “Delilah is a treasure hunter! She finds all kinds of goodies with her nose to the ground method. She’s like a canine metal detector!”
I only wish she could find MY KIND of treasure. LOL
Flea said, “Send Delilah to my house, will ya? I have a mouse problem and my own dogs aren’t taking care of it. Maybe I’m giving them too many treats …”
Maybe you should see if Jones can make mouse flavored treats and then your dogs would have a taste for it. 😉
Jenna, Mark “HuskyCrazed” Drady said, “LOL oh boy! I know all too well what you mean about pulling weird stuff out of the dogs mouth!”
OMG Isn’t it the worst? So it’s not just a Lab thing?
Jan K said, “Delilah’s walking style reminds me a lot of Luke’s. I just got back from a walk with him when he jumped in the air (for no apparent reason…) and I jumped too because he startled me! LOL He’s pretty good about his “leave it” when he finds stuff, but when he gets fixated on something, I sometimes have to literally haul him off of it.”
LOL Jan, I jump when she jumps too! It’s easy to do, especially when you live in the areas that we do where you can be encountering any manner of wildlife. And yes, I’ve had to grab her by the harness a time or two myself.
Jan said, “My Poodle Misty actually killed a mouse on our walk several years ago. I almost had it stuffed and mounted to prove that Poodles are indeed still hunters.”
BWA HA HA, I would have loved to see the look on that taxidermist’s face when you brought him that mouse. Honestly, I’m a bit afraid with Delilah, I’m not sure if she would just kill it or if she’d try and eat it too.
Monika said, “Ah, yes…mousies…the ‘other’ white meat. We had one in the garden yesterday and Sam did the Wiley Coyote/Roadruner cartoon double take. Had I not nearly fallen over from laughter at his reaction, I’m sure he’d have had that little critter by the short hairs. ”
The OTHER white meat! LOL I love it. So are you saying he like looked at it, looked away and then looked back at it? I think I would have wet myself.
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “You rewarded her for not coming? At least she did not eat the mouse.”
I think I did. 🙁 (Hangs head in shame.) I know it was wrong and typically I do not reward either of them if they don’t respond immediately, but I was so relieved, I lost my head.
Well friends, that is it for me. Thanks for joining me and have an awesome weekend!

“Bat shit” is one of my favorites, too! And just picturing Monika’s Sam doing a double take a la Wiley Coyote/Roadrunner almost did make me wet myself – in bed as I was reading it!! Great follow-up as always, Jodi!
My last dog tried to bury a mouse alive once, it got away from her twice until she finally killed it lol.
Deer in the yard and deer jumping the fence is bad enough. My friend had a deer jump HALFWAY over the fence and get stuck. OMG. That was a scene. 🙁
Thankfully, we haven’t run into mice outside. We are focused on squirrels and wabbits which we see all the time. I don’t eat wabbits when I catch them, though. Just kill them and move on.
You can think of it as rewarding her for not eating the mouse. I am not kidding. Thunder ate once once when he was out pheasant hunting. lol Have a great weekend.
Brilliant follow up as usual!
Great follow up need to check out the mouse post
Sorry, I’m so behind on reading/catching up but what a great review of the week. And I laughed my a$$ off hearing the trials and tribulations of water and mice. Well done Jodi and as always you and your pups engage the crazy outa the rest of us! 😉