You make me smile (or laugh), the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do that brings a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you watch the door at the vet’s office, waiting for someone (anyone) to come in and pay attention to you…
You make me smile.
Sampson absolutely adores everyone at our vet’s office, he just can’t wait to see everyone, he will patiently wait, perking up every time someone passes the door.
How are your pets at the vet?

Callie was a lot like Sampson – she was an equal opportunity people lover. Shadow just finds a corner to curl up in. And Ducky just wanders around the room checking out every inch of space, and every object in the room that she can reach with her nose. 🙂
They hate it! It’s so sad! I used to work there so they know something bad will happen if we go to the “room”.
Moey poops and tries to climb me like a monkey in a tree! (me being the tree) He hates going to the vet as much as he hates going to the groomer!
I could only wish Laika was half as happy to get attention from the nice people at the vet’s office. She is not a fan of it, not one bit. Sampson is so cute, and pretty much the anti-Laika when it comes to behavior at the vet’s office.
I do the same thing, S. And when they finally come bearing sticks to put in my butt, needles to stick me with, and lights to shine in my ears and eyes, I don’t hold it against them.
Love and licks,
The Happiest Dog at the Vet
What a sweetie! I wish mine were that relaxed. They’re watching the door, but only as an opportunity to escape if it opens!
Lila is very excited to go to the vet’s office because she gets a lot of treats there – too many, I think! Whatever works, I guess.
My guys are obnoxious from the time the car stops until we leave the parking lot. They need Sampson lessons.
I watch the door too and as soon as it opens, I try to make my great escape outta there! Don’t like the vet no matter how many treats she has or how nice she is. The place gives me the creeps.
So cute! Mine love the vets too; gravy bones. BOL.
Neeko and Faolan are excellent. Bruce draws a crowd, because he’s such an ass. He always wears his party hat (muzzle) to the vet.
I’m glad you like the vets office and patiently wait. My gang likes the vets to as they come with me quite often when I go to work.
Good boy Sampson!
I’ve never had a dog that was happy to be at the vet’s office. Mine have to be dragged in! It is pure torture for them!
Blueberry likes some parts of it – not all. Usually, when they call her to go back, they weigh her first. After she is done getting weighed – she ALWAYS tries to make her exit. Apparently she thinks that a trip to the vet should only consist of being weighed and then it’s time to go! I also have to trick her and pretend like I am going to the back with her for blood work, etc – I feel like a complete jerk everytime. It’s amazing she hasn’t killed me in my sleep yet.