Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – August 30, 2015
Well foolish me, the date on this post says August 20th instead of the 30th, note to self – proof read your titles too. LOL
Cupcake said, “Sometimes, Mom lets me decide which way we’re going. Most often, SHE gets to choose. She is under the false impression that she is in charge around here. Ha! If I were as big as Sampson, I would ALWAYS decide. ”
Sometimes I have to dig my heels in Cupcake, especially when I can see that there might be challenges in that particular direction.
Taryn said, “Mine don’t so much change direction as plant their feet and refuse to go in the direction I want to go! Especially when it is hot, and they think I am headed in a direction that will keep them off the a/c vent too long!”
Ah, they like the AC? See my guys do too, but give them the opportunity to for a walk, and they are all in.
Jan K said, “That Sampson is such a social guy! Our beagle Kobi was like that, he would drag me to see anyone and everyone, whether he knew them or not. We don’t have any real woods trails that we go to from the house, so I’m usually always dressed the same. But I’ve been overdressed plenty of times this summer when I didn’t think it was as hot as it got out there!”
Oh yes, he is Mr. Social!! And I’m not sure which is worse, having too many clothes on, or not enough. 🙂
All Things Collie said, “He’s very sweet, how old is he now? I’ll share a story that should make you laugh. It wasn’t that I was inappropriately dressed for a walk…
I was inappropriately dressed to be outside! I was dog sitting my sisters collies, at her house. I was there alone with my own collies, and hers. It was early in the morning, and I went downstairs to let everyone out in the huge fenced backyard. I noticed as I was doing a head count as they passed by me that I was one collie short! I knew immediately who it was – Penny, aka “Badness.” I called her name, and she ran out if the laundry room, zoomed by me, and ran out the door…carrying a box of dryer sheets.
I had been warned, Penny liked to eat dryer sheets. So what could I do? I ran outside after her…barefoot in my tshirt and underware. (Remember it was early in the morning). Penny ran all over the yard, dropping dryer sheets as she went. So I stopped every few feet to pick them up. Penny’s tail never stopped wagging, she thought it was the best game ever! I can only hope my sisters neighbors weren’t watching.”
Oh yes, that made me laugh! But when you think about it, you probably were covered more than you are when you wear a bathing suit, it’s just this stigma in our mind that says we are not appropriately dressed.
I Know Things Without Knowing, You Know?
JoAnn Stancer said, “Oh I’m so glad she stopped, how scary. I have esp too I was driving down my road thinking I haven’t seen a deer in a while and bam right into the ghetto car totaling it out!”
OMG the things you went through with that car! Are you glad it’s gone?
Emma said, “My mom has a lot of that ESP stuff happen to her. She thinks, oh, I wonder why Sally hasn’t called recently and bam, the phone rings and it is Sally, she thinks like you do about cops and suddenly she sees them everywhere. Weird stuff that kind of creeps her out.”
It can be kind of weird and sometimes scary too, because sometimes I say things and then I get scared thinking I may have jinxed myself!
Vicki Cook said, “It would be nice if you could put your ESP on speed dial, wouldn’t it? Luckily they both stopped – one sooner than the other. I’m not sure what Zora would do. We have deer, turkeys, bunnies, squirrels and other critters in the backyard. I’m not sure I could get her to stop if she got on to one, so I always keep her on a leash.
Delilah is on leash most of the time, it’s only been lately that I’ve been trying her for bits of time off-leash. And yes, I would love to speed dial that ESP. 🙂
Lauranne said, “That reminds me of the time Mity took off after a rabbit. I tried all the usual commands then finally yelled “no” as he was about to disappear down a rabbit hole.”
I’m glad you got his attention before he pulled an Alice. 🙂 No works with my guys too…sometimes. 🙂
Elaine said, “I have ESP too sometimes and it’s kind of strange when those things happen. It doesn’t happen as much as it used to, probably because I’m pretty busy these days and I think we pick up on things more when the mind is quiet.”
I think you’re right on that, we are definitely more open and in tune when our minds are clear.
A Picture’s Worth…Barks and Bytes
Thank you all for your kind words. I have other pictures I’ve taken and will get around to sharing those as well.
To make things a bit easier, I broke the comments out by picture.
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s Mom said, “The fog almost seems to be beckoning you to enter a parallel time warp.”
Thank you Sue! That is exactly what I was trying to say, I just couldn’t find the words!
Emma said, “The second fog photo has some creepiness to it…maybe do something with it for Halloween?”
That’s an idea…you’ve got my brain thinking Emma!

Actually, I think the flower might be a Rose of Sharon hibiscus variety. We have them in Colorado and those flowers can get gigantic! Quite lovely. Aways good to read your posts wrap up-I’ve been under the gun and way behind on reading, posting, etc. but hopeful things will calm down soon to be able to check your stuff out timely. Here’s to a safe and happy holiday weekend! 😉
Hibiscus! Ugh! So close….
Don’t worry about how you look chasing dogs in the yard. I’m sure our neighbors have seen Mom dressed in similar garb running around like a fool chasing dogs. They know she is that weird dog lady and just accept it.
You made me cry and I was doing so well at hold it together while visiting dog blogs (as you can imagine I just couldn’t for a while!) Thank you sweetie, for thinking of mentioning him and me – you don’t know what it means!
Once again, a brilliant follow up! Have a fabulous weekend! 🙂
I always worry about jinxing myself when I say things, and I swear it happens a lot of the time. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping and I’ll comment to the hubby that I’ve been sleeping really well lately, then yup, wide awake at 3am the next night. I often stop myself from saying stuff like that now, or even thinking it! LOL
Oh No!! Not another pup gone to the bridge!! I’ll have to hop over and leave a note. Otherwise great follow up!!
Cupcake’s quote made me smile. Glad to see Cupcake made it to your blog (Genevieve’s) *grin*.
Oops, forget to include my name
I Love the fog photo. We get a heavy marine layer here sometimes and it creates really weird images, I just never have my camera handy.
Great follow up, and the ghetto car is still running, I’m glad I’m not driving it but my husband has been driving it because his truck is on the blink.
Cool pictures and very cool that you saw an owl. Sometimes at the cabin we hear them, but I have never seen one.
Sorry was having internet issues and for some reason posted my comment on two post…ugg. No idea how that happened….lol.