You make me smile (or laugh), the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do that bring a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you alter the path of our walk, because you hear one of your friends working outside their house and then “Roo” to let them know you are there…
You make me smile.
The fact you are so happy about seeing someone you care about, makes me smile even more.
We were headed out to the woods, and I was dressed in long pants and a long-sleeved shirt, when Sampson heard a power tool working on the side street. He immediately changed directions and headed for his friend, which did make me smile. But then I had to walk the neighborhood in 80 degree weather dressed for the woods.
Do you pups ever change direction on you? Are you appropriately dressed? LOL

If Cody sees or hears something much more interesting, he wants to go investigate! It usually only lasts for a minute or two and we’re on our way until something else distracts him, lol!
Sometimes, Mom lets me decide which way we’re going. Most often, SHE gets to choose. She is under the false impression that she is in charge around here. Ha! If I were as big as Sampson, I would ALWAYS decide.
Love and licks,
Mine don’t so much change direction as plant their feet and refuse to go in the direction I want to go! Especially when it is hot, and they think I am headed in a direction that will keep them off the a/c vent too long!
Mom dresses the same no matter where we are walking, but she chooses the route always. We can make a slight detour for a friend visit, but then back on the original path. Katie is the exception these days. Mom will go a different way if she insists but she is thirteen and Mom says we can do that too at thirteen.
That Sampson is such a social guy! Our beagle Kobi was like that, he would drag me to see anyone and everyone, whether he knew them or not. We don’t have any real woods trails that we go to from the house, so I’m usually always dressed the same. But I’ve been overdressed plenty of times this summer when I didn’t think it was as hot as it got out there!
Mine try to change direction, but I fight it! As we are always walking in the country/by the bush I dress for that!
Labs and Poodles, if they were human they would be diplomats eager to meet and greet everyone. I’m sure they would quickly make friends if someone broke into the house.
You left out Goldens. They are also “equal opportunity lovers” of people.
That would make me smile, too!! Hope you’re having a great Sunday!
One time, Lila and I had to take a different route to get to the path to the park because of the puddles. It’s about a three-mile walk. I kept on walking as if we were going the usual way, but she reminded me when we had to turn to get back home. It was cute! I’m glad she was paying attention because I was off daydreaming. It was a good reminder of how smart she is.
He’s very sweet, how old is he now?
I’ll share a story that should make you laugh. It wasn’t that I was inappropriately dressed for a walk…
I was inappropriately dressed to be outside! I was dog sitting my sisters collies, at her house. I was there alone with my own collies, and hers. It was early in the morning, and I went downstairs to let everyone out in the huge fenced backyard. I noticed as I was doing a head count as they passed by me that I was one collie short! I knew immediately who it was – Penny, aka “Badness.” I called her name, and she ran out if the laundry room, zoomed by me, and ran out the door…carrying a box of dryer sheets.
I had been warned, Penny liked to eat dryer sheets. So what could I do? I ran outside after her…barefoot in my tshirt and underware. (Remember it was early in the morning). Penny ran all over the yard, dropping dryer sheets as she went. So I stopped every few feet to pick them up. Penny’s tail never stopped wagging, she thought it was the best game ever! I can only hope my sisters neighbors weren’t watching.
Honey doesn’t “roo.” But she also likes to change direction to meet friends: humans, dogs, cats.
I have a feeling Honey and Sampson would have quite a bit in common.
🙂 Can’t say it enough…layers because yes, I am constantly overdressing for walks. Thanks for the reminder, Sampson!
very beautiful dog 🙂
Cute! What a sweetie he is! Rita is a funny girl – if she thinks it’s too hot, or if she’s just extra anxious for her post-walk treat, then she will sometimes try to dictate that we do “the short walk”, which is this short little loop around a dead end and then home again that she somehow discovered. Personally, I like to walk for at least 45 minutes so we both get some exercise, but she often likes to try to steer us to her 20 min quick walk! At least it involves a nasty climb on the way back, so we still get our heart rates up!
what a people person he is, love the roo part!
That is very cute.