Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week. I apologize in advance as this post is a wee bit long.
You Make Me Smile – August 23, 2015
Earl Lover said, “We only have dogs. My dogs couldn’t get on with cats; they’ve never been socialised with them.”
My dogs are weird. They are typically fine with the cats in the house, although they do sometimes chase them, but let them see a cat outside and it’s on!
Hailey and Zaphod said, “When we had both (which was like for 15 years), we always had a baby gate to keep the dogs and cat food/litter apart. We would keep it high enough so the cats could go under but low enough so the dogs couldn’t. It worked 99% of the time.”
If the cat was staying with me we would have done that, but Grandma does not have the room to do that and knowing her, would more than likely fall trying to get over the gate.
Jan K said, “We have a pantry downstairs with a hole in the door that only the cats can fit through, and that’s where the kitty litter is.
Samantha gets fed on the kitchen counter, and she usually has an audience. Dogs just love cat food! They usually get to lick her bowl after canned food, and occasionally get a couple pieces of her kibble!”
I just don’t get the fascination with the cat’s food and litter box. If the food tastes so damn good, why don’t they make dog food taste the same way?
Blueberry’s Human said, “I wonder though…if you were to use the litter box yourself if that would deter D & S from wanting what’s in there? You never hear about dogs eating human poop (or maybe I am not in the right social circles)”
Dear God, thank you for not letting my friend run in the social circles where it’s ok for human’s to use a litter box. Amen.
Genevieve said, “I preordered the book, and I would have preordered the song if it was available. I love it!…Gah! Siri told me it IS available. …so I bought that too.”
Thank you for pre-ordering the book. I did as well. I hope you enjoy both the book and the song!
Pamela said, “I sometimes wonder if we form the strongest bonds with the animals who need us the most.”
I think we are drawn to certain animals more than others, just the same was we are drawn to people.
2 Brown Dawgs asked, “Best of luck to Peggy with the book. I am a bit confused though. Is it a picture book?”
I haven’t read it yet, but from what I understand it is not a picture book. It is a book highlighting the human-animal bond via stories. There may be some pictures in it, but I think the trailer was designed to “show” you the bond to entice you to read the book.
Emma said, “Sometimes I think you humans just start to see our naughtiness as normal and don’t even think of posting about it. That has happened a bit with Bailie but she has possibly started to mature, so some of the naughtiness may disappear!”
You may be right. Now when I see something torn up on the floor, I usually just pick it up. 😉
Sue said, “BOL Can’t help but be happy Delilah is still Delilah. :-)”
OH, she is definitely still Delilah. She makes me laugh every single day.
Jan K said, “Luke stole a stick of butter right out of the butter dish last week. My hubby thought it was far enough back on the counter when he left it unattended….I think my favorite Delilah story that I have never forgotten was when she stole all that chicken out of the kitchen sink.”
Oh I feel for you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought something was ‘safe.’
And I like that story about the chicken necks myself. It’s quite enjoyable telling to. I get quite animated. LOL
Jan gave us her approval, “Oh yeah, the girl still has it and so does Jodi.”
Thank you Jan. 🙂 I can’t wait to tell you what she did yesterday.
Blueberry’s Human said, “Bahahahahaha! I love Delilah. It’s like a battle of wits with her. You think you’ve gotten everything cleaned up and she finds the one thing just close enough to reach to prove you wrong.”
It is like a battle of wits, I think I’m the witless one. LOL
Jen Gabbard’s comment was priceless, “OK the knife would have given me a heart attack – doesn’t it make you wonder how she got it onto the floor? I love all of your misadventures, they really remind me of how silly life really is. Things happen, but being able to find the humor in it makes it so much easier to handle. We had our own little adventure today in the yard. On the way back from getting the mail Laika spotted some turkeys before I did – they were so close I didn’t have a chance to tell her to come here before she’d pinned one down. I heard a bunch of hissing (yeah turkeys hiss apparently, who knew?) and some feathers flying, and as I approached Laika was still pinning the poor bird down. Fearing the worst I picked it up to see if she’d hurt him – to my surprise he looked unharmed. So of course Laika is flipping the frak out because I’ve got her lovely prize in my arms – she’s jumping up at me and whining.. I didn’t want to give it back and since it was young I knew it wasn’t going to be able to fly (or roost) away so I carried the thing all the way back home (our driveway is really long). It took me 5 minutes to trick Laika to get her ass into the garage so I could let the bird go. Anyways the bird was fine, ran off hissing into the sunset. But yeah I got to hold a turkey for the first time.”
It does make me wonder about the knife, and I did check her mouth for cuts. As for Laika and the turkey. OMG I don’t know what I would have done! And while I didn’t know that turkeys hissed, I did know that birds did. For an amusing story, read about the Hissing Tree.
Lauren Miller said, “Our stop walking cue is “WAIT!” I try really hard to not make cues mean more than one thing. It’s tough sometimes and I’m not very creative. LOL”
I see the value in that. I think it’s whatever works (or is the word that comes quickest to your mind.) 🙂
Jen Gabbard said, “If I saw her kicking as you were picking it up I’m sure I would have been rolling on the ground.”
I know if I saw it, I would probably have wet myself laughing so hard.
Emma said, “Maybe you need a go pro strapped to your head on your walks so we can actually see that dirt heading right at the camera on you head???”
Then Jan K replied to Emma, “I think we should all chip in and get a Go Pro for Jodi. I’m thinking there would be no end to the entertainment value of that. LOL”
You know, I do have a Go Pro, I need to talk to Hubby about getting it set up for me. Can you imagine the money I could make on YouTube? LOL
2 Brown Dawgs said, “We use “sit” a lot. It means stop and sit until released. You can use it in a variety of situations so we stick with that one.”
I think that’s a good solid command. If it works for your dogs and it’s a word you remember (key in my book) then it’s a win-win.
Meagan and Merlin said, “I also use different commands for the same thing, for example when he sits to be fed i use the words “go, ok and hammer time” and he eats his food after waiting. Also saying “food and hungry” to him, makes him run to the kitchen. Labs and their food obsessions lol.”
Bwa Ha Ha, I’m always amused at the words I use and the words my dogs understand. I love hammer time!
Jan K said, “This will sound weird, but for the first time ever today, Luke pooped when we were on a walk! I was excited, because to me that means he’s a little more relaxed, not holding it until we get back home.”
Oh Jan, I get, I truly do. Sampson was always such a private pooper. He would spend 9 hours at daycare, come home and run into the backyard to take his dump. Every time. It was only after he tore his ACL when he couldn’t do a lot of walking, that he started pooping on the leash, because he basically had no choice.
Did I ever tell you, that for the longest time Sampson squatted when he peed? Our trainer said, if they don’t lift their leg by the time they are one or two (I can’t remember which it was) then they won’t do it. He was well past the age she mentioned when he first lifted his leg. I swear to you, I was so proud of him for doing that. LOL
Jenna, Mark, “Husky-Crazed” Drady said, “Omg I am so sorry but I had to laugh at that cloud of dirt hitting your face! hahaha!!!! Oh i’m so so so sorry!!!!!”
PLEASE don’t apologize! I WANT you to laugh. 🙂
Well that’s it for me, thanks for hanging in there with me and have a wonderful weekend!

Great follow up, Jodi! I hope you have an awesome weekend!
Brilliant follow up as always, Jodi! Have a lovely weekend! 🙂
And with the cats, that does sound a little odd, haha! But with our canine pals, there could be any kind of reason behind this behaviour!
Don’t worry, we will remember you and hope you remember us when you hit it big on YouTube with your videos. Mom is once again so thankful none of us kick up dirt!
I can hardly wait until you get that GoPro working! 🙂
Hi Y’all!
Sigh, life is so boring for my Humans.
I don’t steal knives, or butter or bother anything else left on the table or counter. I don’t get on furniture or in beds ’cause my own are so comfy. My Human doesn’t even have to voice many of my commands, she just makes a subtle movement or uses an expression that tells me what she wants me to do. I don’t even chase things.
Sigh, when it comes to mischief it is usually my Humans’ mischief.
Solution? Read Heart Like a Dog! Where life is always interesting and amusing!
Hawk aka BrownDog
LOL, awesome follow up as always!
Happy weekend!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
You are going to be rich when you get that GoPro going! 🙂
Thanks for understanding about Luke….and I totally understand the lifting leg thing…I think we waited quite a while for our golden Moses to finally lift his leg!
Oh, and funny story…our female beagle Cricket lifts her leg when she pees sometimes….but she lifts it the opposite way a male does…she lifts it forward. It’s really hilarious.
If there is a cat outside game on too, but when mk is outside they don’t bother her. It’s funny how they know who is who.
Even reading this late, I’m laugh my hinny off. You guys make the beast weeks bearable! Thanks for that. 🙂
Wow I am so far behind. Thanks for answering my question. 🙂