You make me smile (or laugh), the sweet, funny, loving things dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
It’s not always my dogs that make me smile.
For the last week our youngest daughter and her dog, Beau have been living with us. (More on that and how the dogs have gotten along later in the week.)
Beau and our daughter spend an awful lot of time together and on those occasions when she must leave him home, he is NOT happy about it.
So….Beau, the way you pout when your ‘mom’ leaves you…
You make me smile.
Your turn, what do your pups do when you leave them? Do they just roll with it, or are they pouters like Beau?

He is a sweetie, even from the back and in bed!! 😀
Oh, Beau! Your message is unmistakable. How dare she leave you.? Ugh!
Love and licks,
Moey howls and cries! It’s incredibly sad! It kills me.! And I miss him just as much the moment the car leaves the driveway, only because I know he is wailing! He’s a sad, lonely little man!
Oh, poor Beau! My three howl. Sound like a pack of coyotes in the house. Lucy used to pout when we took she and Tucker to the boarding kennel. Tucker was thrilled and excited. Lucy was not pleased. It would take her a day to get over herself when we picked them up and brought them home.
I hop into my window seat and wait for her to come back. When I hear the garage door and see the car, Mom can see me jump down and race to the door. Katie and Bailie just hang out and wait. We don’t mind too much when we leave as we can get some rest. When she is home it seems like we always are so busy which is fun, but tiring.
Our crew always gets treats when we leave, so they’re pretty good about it! Luke sits in the door and watches us leave though, and he’s always there when we get home as well. I wonder if he stays there the whole time, or if he knows when it’s the normal time we get home?
This reminded me of when I was young and my oldest sister would come visit at my parents and bring her little poodle. Geronimo would howl and howl if she ever left him with us!
Aw, poor Beau. At least he doesn’t tear up the place like some dogs do. No, mine don’t; but Ducky chews on her bedding sometimes. We leave her in her crate when we have to go somewhere without them. That keeps her away from her sisters and out of trouble.
I have long suspected that they threw large doggie orgies, but I have no proof.
That is a great pout! Mine whine if one leaves, bark if we both leave.
Poor Beau. Looks like he’s made his feelings perfectly clear.
Whatta cutie that truly does have an unmistakable pout!
I don’t know what our dogs do when we’re gone, aside from getting onto the couch, chew the toilet paper, shred anything they can grab off the counter or table, and use the remote to shop on eBay… ;-)!!
Poor Beau. It’s like he cannot face the world without his human. Does he realize how stinking cute he is even in his poutiness? (I don’t think that’s a real word, is it?)
I see he is a fan of subtle!!
Even before we have even left the garage, mine run upstairs to the front guest room and watch us leave. I think they are checking to be sure we really gone and then they have all their friends over 🙂
Oh, poor Beau! Momma be home soon, buddy!
Luckily Rita just rolls with it when I leave. If I had a dog that got upset every time I left the house, I’d probably never leave! 🙂
oh Beau show us your cute face.
Poor puppy. He looks sad.