Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the post where I highlight reader’s comments, answer questions and generally just wrap up my week.
You Make Me Smile – August 2, 2015
Jan K asked, “LOL….how does she do that? It has to be running with wild abandon that causes the drool to wrap around their noses!”
I think it’s because she shakes her head. Oh, and of course, she’s always drooling on a walk. LOL
Emma said, “My sisters and I don’t normally drool, although Bailie will if forced to wait for food but it just runs out of her mouth and onto the ground like a faucet!”
Ugh, yes, sometimes Delilah’s drops, like on my feet or on my leg. It’s so gross!
Glennis said, “A real slobber chops! She must shake her head a lot to spread it around so.”
Yes! I wonder why she can’t shake her head when she’s not drooling? 🙂
Elaine said, “I think Delilah has mastered the drool slinging technique, lol! Does she ever get the foamy mouth phenomenon?
Only rarely and usually if she’s running a lot.
Blueberry’s Human shared, “It makes me smile (and also, gag a little) when I am sitting there eating something I plan on sharing with Blueberry and she sits there drooling and the box fan is on high and it blows her string of saliva onto my leg. Magical moments, I treasure them.
Oh my, you made me laugh. One of my magical moments is when they sneeze in my face. That is also treasurable. 🙂
Lauren Miller said, “You sound like me! I really love my late night walks because no one is outside and my dogs are better on the leash, too!…If you notice any more scooting, you might want to have her anal glands checked.”
Yes, the lack of distractions definitely makes for a better walk. Ah yes, anal glands. 🙂 She does have a tendency to need hers expressed, but it was a done a couple of weeks ago, in this instance I’m pretty sure it was a dingleberry. 😉
Taryn said, “Well, at least it doesn’t sound like Delilah left a big skid mark across the driveway. Those are really hard to remove with a poop bag 😉”
LOL no, definitely no skid marks!
Callie, Shadow and Ducky’s Mom said, “Ouch! Scraping her bum across the driveway?? That had to have hurt! Poor D-Dog! Hope she finally got rid of it, whatever “it” was!!”
Oh she sure did. She sat right down in the road and bit whatever it was off. LOL
Mary asked, “It’s never boring in your world, is it? LOL”
Nope. Come, sit, stay. You will be entertained. 🙂
Blueberry’s Human said, “I’ve kinda missed talking about poop like this. Thanks for satisfying my “fix”. 😉”
Oh hey, you know it’s always real here. And really, poop makes the best posts!
Caren Gittleman said, “When you live with a Sheltie, it isn’t a matter of being “old” (but we are lol), or “having our hearing aids turned off” (which thankfully, we don’t have, YET)…it’s just that Shelties bark at leaves, pebbles, imaginary creatures, (you get the idea). If I went to the window ALL of the time, I’d never get anything done! Well, he isn’t THAT bad…but……….he sees the same dogs here every day and goes ballistic each and every time one takes a poop within his range. :-)”
LOL my dogs bark at imaginary things too and I don’t check every single time, BUT if they had their faces smushed to the screen at 6:00 AM, I would definitely be checking. 😉
Jan asked, “Did you know those are called dingleberries?”
I did not. Thank you Jan, I can always count on you.
Jan K said,”Video of that is the only thing that could be more fun than reading it!! I can picture the camera panning between the smushed-face dog barking away, Delilah, and you, all set to – the music of Deliverance?…I think Delilah is messing with you and that dog…there was nothing stuck back there….she just knew you needed some blog material! LOL”
I actually changed the ring of the timer now, it’s a little ding, ding, ding. LOL I’m glad you enjoyed the read and I bet video would have been funny.
Jen Gabbard said, “I would laugh my ass off If I saw that scene, especially as Deliverance starts to play. I’m wondering now if Laika’s poop problems are due to grass, I swear she gets more dingleberries than any dog I’ve even known. And of course when she gets them she acts like it’s such a shock and the scariest thing ever, so she scoots around like a mad woman.”
Oh don’t you LOVE when they look back there like, WTF? It cracks me up.
Jan K said, “I’d love to know what that woman was thinking as she realized that you weren’t going to turn around this time!”
Oh me too. I was tempted to say (quite loudly) “No, no, Sampson, I will feed you breakfast when you get home, you don’t need that little dog.” But thankfully the little devil didn’t win that one. 😉
Monika said, “Sometimes I want to take those retractable leashes and wrap them around the owner’s neck and then beat them with their phones! ”
Holy smack. I’m with you on that one. About a (or so) ago, we had a labrador mix on a retractable leash. They must have dropped the leash and yes, the retractable leash ‘chased’ the dog and it was missing for a few days. They finally found him deep in the woods, that retractable leash had somehow got stuck on a tree. He was dehydrated and pretty bitten up by insects, but he was found. I had all I could do not to comment on that post about the leash. LOL
Jenna, Mark “Husky-Crazed” Drady said, “I know what you mean about reactive dogs. I have them too. And yes, I “prefer” to walk them each seprately, but theres just not always time for that. So I know how you feel!”
It’s just a lot of time when you have multiple dogs. If I was only doing it once per day, per dog, then it wouldn’t be too bad, but they both expect two walks per day. And don’t even try to leave one of them home. 🙂
Well that’s it for me peeps, have a great weekend and be sure to come back next week to find out the winners of our Omegease giveaway!

Great follow up! 😀
Great follow up; and those faces just melt my heart! 😀
I don’t think a bit of drool on the nose is a bad thing! Our cat Pippin drools when he purrs, but after a while he shakes his head to get rid of it. As he’s usually on a biped’s lap when he’s purring, the biped gets a shower!
Have a great weekend and watch out for drool!
Love the follow up! I’ve missed your great humor! Diesel drools and gets it everywhere! I’ve never had a dog that drooled until my son adopted him:) Have a great weekend!
Another terrific wrap-up. Here’s to a drool free weekend! 😉
Great follow up, thanks!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
Oh, geez, yes. When I take one of the dogs for a walk, all the way down the street I can hear the other two barking, howling, and carrying on! That’s the reason I won’t even walk two….there’s no way I can do three, and I’d hate to hear what one left behind will do.
And I’m glad to hear that you at least ignore that little devil some of the time! 🙂
Monika nailed it. That would solve a LOT of problems!
I am so far behind. Nice round up of last week.