I had a moment of panic last weekend when I realized that not only did I need to write the posts for this week, I needed posts for the days I will be in Nashville.
So this week, instead of reading blog posts (which is what I WANT to be doing) I’ve been looking through pictures, blog drafts and news feeds looking for ideas to fill those three days.
Thankfully, I think I have a plan in place, I just hope I have the time to get it done!
The Importance of Rain Gear
Personally, I like walking in the rain.
It’s relatively bug free. That’s a plus with sweet blood like Delilah’s and mine. For some reason we attract bugs like honey does.
Just about nobody walks their dogs in my neighborhood in the rain.
I’ve worked hard with the dogs on getting them past other dogs and we do remarkably well if the dogs are in their yards, but try to walk these two past a dog walking on the other side of the street and you’re risking a dislocated shoulder.
Considering the amount of snow we had this past winter, we’ve been surprisingly lacking in rainfall. I don’t see it as a problem. Our lakes and rivers are still high from the snow melt off but our meteorologists keep screaming about high fire risk and that IS a problem.
So these weather peeps have been peeping about rain for the last few days. Some areas of the state got it and some areas close near us got it, but we did not. So I was quite pleased when I woke up Tuesday morning to discover it was raining.
Except I don’t have a rain coat.
But Hubby has this light weight gear designed for fishing, so I borrowed his ‘Gilligan’ hat and rain jacket, harnessed up the dogs and headed out the door. (Oh, you want to see a photo of me in the hat?)
I don’t know about you, but I wear one particular pair of pants when I walk the dogs. (I can’t walk them in my work clothes because Delilah is such a saliva factory that I am continuously wiping my hands.) The problem with these pants is they fit 15 pounds ago.
Fifteen pounds to the plus and your pants might not fit you (or you could have an incredibly bad wedgie or worse…camel toe) but fifteen pounds to the minus and your pants still fit, although they may need a titch of help staying up.
My pants are so loose, well, I could pull them down without unbuttoning them. Right handy if you need to pee really badly, but not quite so convenient when walking dogs. Especially two like mine, who trip you, wrap you in leashes, step on your feet…well you get the picture.
To ensure I don’t experience an unexpected breeze in my nether region, get arrested for indecent exposure or traumatize some poor child, I have taken to threading my treat bag strap through my belt loops, which helps hold up my pants.
Back to the story. So here I am in Hubby’s ‘Gilligan’ rain hat, with his X-Large rain jacket on walking my dogs.
The jacket works great! It doesn’t get too hot, because the material is light weight and the rain just runs off it. But there is a tiny little problem.
Hubby’s rain jacket is X-Large and I’m not. So the jacket hits my legs just below my hips. As I mentioned, the rain just runs off it, and because of where the jacket is hitting, the rain runs directly on to my pants. Which wouldn’t be such a problem, if the pants weren’t too big to begin with.
Ah, you’re nodding your head, you see the problem I did not anticipate.
Yeah, my legs get soaked from my crotch to the bottoms of the pants. And water on material is heavy. So the weight of the rain on my pants is pulling the pants down but their also sticking to my legs.
This is the Thursday Barks and Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like a Dog. Grab the badge and the linky code and join us!
While Barks and Bytes is for everyone, we request only blog posts be linked up and as a courtesy to other hoppers, please add the code to your post or link up to Linda or I.

I’m so with you on the rain gear! I don’t have any either and I’m in Oregon, lol! The girls have raincoats but I don’t! The other day I decided to go to the park even though it was misting out and I borrowed my husband’s light raincoat and I ended up with a soaked head because the hood kept falling over my eyes and I couldn’t see the girls with it on and yep soaked pants, too!
We need to go shopping! 😀
I know that rain soaked feeling very well lol. So one day i took Merlin out around the block, all the while looking at the big raincloud that looked far enough away so I’d think it wouldn’t rain on us. I was wrong, on the last leg home it poured down so hard I was soaked through in a second. Merlin on the other hand being a Lab loved being soaked and wanted to run zoomies through the house.
Oh, the mental images…
Multiple problems all rolled into one big mess. Solution: Stop at the store and buy a pair of pants that fit and a raincoat with a hood. Is it just me….? Shopping solves SO many problems!
We all enjoy walking in the rain, but Mom has a rain jacket with hood, rain pants, and the most recent addition, rain boots. She is try as a babies butt after a walk in pouring rain, and we all look like drowned rats. Bailie and I don’t care about being wet, but poor Katie despises it! Mom says the rain pants are more important than all the other rain gear as she can’t deal with the feeling of soaking wet pants which are usually more wet on the front side.
You need to treat yourself to new pants and a rain outfit. 🙂
I am in the same boat as you. I need posts for a few days next week when we will be gone. That sudden realization is like a hard slap in the face…haha.
How about wearing your walk-the-dogs pants OVER your work clothes? That will make them fit better; plus when you get home, all you’d have to do is take them off and you’ll be ready for work. Also, LLBean has some nice, lightweight rain jackets that might work for you. After 20 years of wear & tear on my “Mr. Weatherbee” jacket, I finally had to break down last fall and get a new one. And…CONGRATS on losing the weight!!
Brilliant, “sorry I was flashing goven’r but the rain pulled my pants down” not sure it would stand up in a court of law I’m afraid!
I’m with you on enjoying not having to deal with other dogs, but Barley hates walking in the rain, so if it starts raining after we’re already outside, she keeps trying to pull me in the direction of home, so she can be toweled off. If it’s raining before we head out the door, I end up standing outside in the rain by myself while she stands in the door frame and laughs at me.
Oh boy! hahahahahahahah!!!!! I had to laugh when you wrote about camel toe LMAO!!!!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
I love the hat! We’re having the rain problem right now, too. I don’t walk the dogs, but I do feed the chickens. The chickens who live in a pen full of poop soup. Crocs have holes in them. I’m in pajamas. It’s a recipe for a poop soup covered Flea. Every day.
It hasn’t rained her for so long I can’t even remember what I wore, but i’m sure it was no more fashionable than your garb. You really need to hire a film crew to follow you around.
Maybe you could move to Camelot where it only rains in the middle of the night…. BOL
Walking in the rain is fun when there is no thunder. It would be fun to find rain gear for the dogs. I have seen some pretty cute outfits out there. Cheers.
What was I thinking reading a Jodi post at the library? They almost threw me out for guffawing.
BTW, I know some cruisers in the tropics who go clothing-optional in heavy rains. Just saying.
We both need some new rain gear LOL. I wish my problem was loose pants. Kilo Pug actually has some nice rain jackets but hates wearing them even more than he hates getting wet. I also need to write some posts for while I am travelling. See you in Nashville X Susie
I hate rain and will not walk, run, or poop in it. Have fun. Love Dolly
Been there with the raincoats…I now have a long one that comes to my knees. Hope you didn’t lose your drawers.
Hi Y’all!
BOL! My Human never bothers with rain gear…if it’s really pouring she uses an umbrella and cuts the walk short, just a serious business walk and back inside.
Y’all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog
We don’t usually walk in the rain, but your reasons for why it is good have me re-thinking that! I have good raincoats from LL Bean (bought at the outlet store), and rain pants too that will fit right over regular pants.
Oh, and I’m glad I’m not the only one not reading much, and rushing like crazy to get posts done for next week (and the beginning of the week after because our Multi-Pet Mania hop starts the day I will be getting home!)
hahaha love the hat, I don’t much care for rain if I’m out in it but I love to listen to the rain and love a good thunderstorm.
I feel for ya. It’s been raining nearly every day for the past 3+ weeks (go figure-so much for the high mountain desert moniker). Modern day living can be freakin’ complex. Stay dry and enjoy those walks. Nice hat by the way. 🙂