How’s the weather been in your neck of the woods? Ours has been crazy.
Saturday it snowed. Just a titch. Maybe a couple of inches. Then it turned to rain. And it got cold so everything was a wee bit icy.
Sunday it got warm and all the snow and ice melted and was absorbed into the ground, leaving everything dry.
Yesterday it was windy and cold. Oh so cold.
It wasn’t too bad in the morning, we managed to get our walk in and the only really cold bits of me were my face and my hands. Seriously, if any of you know of a good pair of gloves that will withstand a chomping, drooling lab, please link to it in the comments.
Yesterday afternoon when I went home at lunch to walk the dogs, the wind had really picked up.
One of my Christmas lamp posts had been blown over.
I threw on some snow pants, my down jacket and my boots, got the dogs ready and gathered my gear and we took off for a walk.
Sampson headed straight for the woods.
I love the woods, I really do. But I’m a little leery when it comes to walking in the woods during high winds. In the past we’ve had some storms that weakened trees and branches and it seems like every time we have a storm with wind, more trees/branches come down.
I get that, it’s nature. I’m just worried that some might come down on me or the dogs.
Picture it. Delilah is running willy nilly through the neighborhood, looking for open doors, open garages, garbage cans. Sampson is scouting the streets, homes and cars parked on the side of the road for people. Anybody that might give him some attention or some rubies. Meanwhile, I’m lying on my back in the woods with a tree across my chest, gasping my last breath.
Thankfully we made it through the woods without any branches or trees falling on anyone, but when we got home Sampson was a titch (GAWD I love that word) clingy. As I got all the gear off the dogs and myself, I listened to the wind whistle around the house.
Sampson despite having come back from a 35 minute walk went to the back door. He checked out the yard and all around the house.
I’m pretty certain it was the wind that was disturbing him. Have you ever heard wind where it sounded like there were voices on it? I swear there were a couple of times I could have sworn someone was out there.

oh no your poor new lamp post, I hope it wasn’t harmed. The sunrise photo is so beautiful, I love sunrise and sunset photos. It is super cold here -13 this am I think only got up to 1 today. yuck! have a great day today.
You definitely need Jack Wolfskin gloves.
I bought mine in Germany last year and love them. My hands are never cold and I am still able to move my fingers when walking my dog. It is possible to get them in the U.S. but you have to do some searching.
The fact that the company uses a paw print as their logo was a bonus!
Can’t wait to see what others reccomend. Warm, functional gloves are hard to come by.
I don’t think that’s an unfounded fear. I often see giant tree branches on the ground precisely where I was standing/walking the day before. It’s a titch scary. Yeah. I said that.
The weather has indeed been crazy! it was 62 on Saturday is is 21 today
retro rover
Yeah, it’s been windy and snowy here, and it’s only going to get worse. Here’s hoping you guys stay warm and safe! And for gosh sakes, don’t get caught under a tree!
I wish I lived near you. On windy days, I would totally hide in those woods and in the eeriest, sing-song voice I could muster, you would hear, “JOOOOOOOODDDDIIIIIIII…JOOOOOOODDDIIIIII…YOU ARE NOT ALONE JODI…”.
Bahahahahaha – of course, Sampson would probably totally find me and give away my location. Maybe you can get one of those life-alert doohickeys. I’d certainly look into it given that your dogs don’t seem overly compassionate and I can totally see them leaving you in the woods with a heavy branch across your chest. 😉
Glad you made it through in one piece Jodi. I can picture them running off and causing havoc too, while you slowly freeze to death, trapped under a tree. And yeah, brrrr, what happened to that nice weather from last week? It’s freezing here too!
Gotta love winter and the weather swings. Wind is not my favorite, it can certainly make weird noises.
You are having Weather Swings like WE are… Two days ago it was in the 50’s Yesterday in the TEENS and WINDY… and today… we woke to 4 inches of snow… and MORE is still coming down…
Give us SUMMER any time…
I know exactly what you’re talking about when you say you can hear voices in the wind. Sometimes it sounds like it’s whispering, other times it’s screaming, and at the worst times it’s positively roaring. Yesterday it was so windy I thought it was going to take the roof off the house! It was the house’s turn to moan, which did make me a bit nervous. I do like falling asleep at night with a light whispery wind outside or to the sound of a gentle rainfall. We’ve had wacky weather too – it was a freakish 66 degrees just this weekend, and today it’s well below freezing and we’re having some light snow. Weird.
Those winds and falling leaves scare me
Lily & Edward
When I got home from work yesterday, a few things were askew in the house, and I know it’s because the dogs (especially Sheba) were freaked out by the wind. We spent 10 minutes outside and that’s all I could stand, it was SO cold.
This winter has so far, well, sucked, as far as I’m concerned. On top of everything we spent 4 hours on the road Saturday afternoon/evening, first in the mountains of the Berkshires, then on Route 91 in VT (with tons of traffic), all in that snowstorm. It should have been a 3 hour drive and we actually felt we did well that it only took us 4.
I try to be more tolerant of winter, but this one is making it tough!
One day when hubby was out hunting the wind was pretty strong. He had no big trees around his ground blind but he had to walk past big trees to get to it or back to his truck. I said: don’t get hit by a falling tree or branch. They really need to go through that part of the forest and clear cut or really really thin it there are so many dead trees. He fluffed it off. Well walking out after dark he heard a giant branch fall very close to him. Next morning he realized it just missed him. That is why I make sure the life insurance is paid up. 🙂
Wind is my least favorite weather thing. It is almost human with its destructiveness and weird sounds. I try to avoid it when possible.
We are having like a week below zero with heavy winds. I honestly can’t say if our wind talks or not because when we are outside in the -30 wind chill, our ears are frozen 😉 On a serious note, last summer a real active woman (like mom, runner, walker, can’t sit still) not too far from here was walking her dog with a friend in the woods and bam. A tree fell, missed the friend, barely missed the dog, and the woman dead instantly. Mom says sometimes your number is just up, but that spooked her for a while. When they investigated, they found the tree to be really dead and rotted out which is why it just fell in the wind that day. Talk about some bad luck! Yikes!
Since I’ve been sailing, I have a lot more respect for high winds. Sailors have a saying you’ll appreciate. They call the weather we’ve had recently “blowing like stink.”
I have a different image of Delilah if you were hit by a fallen branch, btw. I see her leash getting caught on a huge log and carving a path of destruction as she goes on her merry way.
Sorry, it makes me smile. But I’m not really wishing any ill toward you.
Oh creepy wind – that’s the worst kind! We’ve had strange weather too, snow on New Year’s and now Aaron is back to wearing shorts.
Monty and Harlow
Laika is not a fan of eerie sounding wind. Like Sampson I find her going from window to window, trying to find out what’s making that creepy sound. A few years back we had an actual blizzard – I think that might have been one of the most surreal evenings I’ve had in a while. I remember standing out in the middle of our yard just listening to the crazy sounds of nature.
The wind makes me insane! I’d rather it snow a foot or be super cold than windy. Even wussy Sam would probably like the snow better too if given a vote. The other night he lifted his head up and uttered a deep low growl. Only when I went to deal with laundry did his demeanor change (he is after all, a completely ADD dog!). Sorry about the decorative light casualty and very glad you weren’t stuck underneath some fallen log in the woods like an insect on its back. More reasons to despise wind, as if more were needed. Stay safe! 🙂
Hope you enjoyed your Christmas even though the weather isn’t as good as it is. We had a very great weather during Christmas and everyone is really happy during the holidays. Looking forward to your future post 🙂
I feel your pain! It’s such a struggle to find something to keep your hands warm and still easily give a pup a treat! My gloves are anything but good, but they are warmish. I get the Old Navy fleece gloves–they hold up fairly well, but they do absorb the smell of salmon treats, so I have to make sure I don’t accidentally put them on when I go somewhere without Barley, and if you have to wipe snow off the pups’ paws, they get wet, but they are way better than nothing and I think they’re less than $10, so it’s not a big loss if they take a beating. I like them because they are easy to get treats out of the treat pouch and relatively easy to transfer treats from my hand into Bar’s mouth. Even if they do get wet, they dry pretty quickly (especially if you toss them over the heat vent for a few minutes!).
You know you hear about those dogs who don’t leave their owners side when an accident befalls them, or who call 911 or lead a fire truck to a burning building? I love how you have accepted that you two are not that sort of dog and while you are stuck would be off looking for mischief and take full responsibility!
The really gusty winds scare the bejeepers out of me. ..not so much the weird noises or the human moan-like sounds, but the fear that a big branch could come down on one of us. So I stay in the house and keep the dogs with me. Callie gets whiney, Shadow howls, and Ducky barks — it sounds like the background noises on episodes of “Dark Shadows” sometimes and makes me laugh.