You make me smile (or laugh) the sweet, funny, loving things my dogs do on a daily basis that brings a smile to my face, or a laugh to my lips.
Sampson, the way you love to frolic in the snow…
You make me smile.
Back story…we had snow the day before Thanksgiving. The snow had eased up by walk time and I though it would be nice to get up into the field.
Sampson was absolutely ecstatic. He would stop to sniff and when he would start up again, he would really try and dig in and run. Finally, I said what the hell and let him off leash at which point he ran ahead of Delilah and me.
As we were heading home he heard someone at the top of the hill and he stopped to look. Delilah and I were a little distance away, but I was snapping photos and when I got home and looked at them, I’d captured this. I really had to crop it so you could see the pose.
I just love this photo, he’s so happy, you can see it.
Your turn, do your dogs enjoy the snow as much as Sampson?

We don’t have a lot of snow, so it is really special for Gus when we have some. He will run and play like Sampson. He will toss his ball and catch it and paw at the snow and eat it and on and on. You can certainly see Sampson’s joy , both in his body and sweet face!
By the way, I thought of Delilah recently when Gus, for the first time, was smelling the grass as he was tinkling!
Gus’ Mom
Fantastic photo! Our dogs love that white stuff and never have enough 🙂
That picture captures the real meaning of frolicking! Fun!
This time of year we are all wild about snow, especially if it is real cold out too. Bailie is especially into it this year, digging her whole head into the snow and coming up with a serious snow puss! It’s great to see Sampson frolicking around so happily!
My girls love the snow! I wish we got more of it down here so they could really enjoy it! I love Sampson’s pose — he looks like a happy puppy!!
Great fun capture, oh yes my dogs love the snow, I wish I loved it as much. Have a great day.
Cute photo. And yes, Torrey loves the snow.
Several years ago we took our dogs to the mountains where we keep all our snow. They got out of the car, sniffed, peed, and got back in for the rest of the time we were there. Not big fans of snow, but then I’m not either.
Sophie really enjoys the snow. Years ago we had a Keeshond and she LOVED the snow. It was awesome, she is probably the reason why I love photos of dogs playing in the snow so much.
Honey likes to roll around in the snow. She knows just how Sampson feels.
They LOVE it! Our beagle Cricket wants to go out and play first thing in the morning, every morning since it snowed a few days ago, when she knows we’re not leaving for work. The other two follow her around waiting to see if she’s going to get her way or not.
Love the picture! He looks like he is having a blast! My three don’t really like the snow, but Diesel loves it! Sure hope we get enough to play in this winter!
And look at all the weight he is putting on that back leg!
That pic bought a smile to my face – he is obviously so happy. It’s a delight to see
He’s so cute! 🙂
Bella used to love hopping through the snow. Prissy Tavish is not quite so into it… though he does try to eat the snow!