Everyone has met one, or at least heard of one. Maybe you live next door to one. Yes it’s the dumb ass dog owner.
Based on the response to “It’s Not Okay“, most of you have a story (or two or three) about the Dumb Ass Dog Owner. Mary from Tales From the Back Road and I got to chatting on Facebook and Mary had an idea for a Dumb Ass Dog Owner blog hop.
One day (next Monday, November 10th) when we all share our stories of dumb-assery.
Maybe you’re like me, maybe you live in a neighborhood full of dumb asses. Maybe you’ll have to do eenie, meenie, miney mo to figure out which story you’re going to share. (I know I will.)
Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones, maybe you live in a perfect neighborhood, maybe you’ve never seen a dumb ass dog owner in your life. If that’s the case, please, send me a message and tell me where I can find such a place.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could find a place, a community where all our neighbors had similar mindsets? Where we didn’t have to worry about walking our dogs safely?
Sadly, I don’t see this happening in my future anytime soon.
I have to believe that nobody wants to be “That guy”, the one people look at and go, WTF?
Maybe by sharing our stories of dumb-assery we can somehow find a way to educate the dumb ass dog owners of the world.
What do you think? Are you up for it, are you ready to share your story of dumbassery?
If you are then join Mary and me next Monday for the Dumb Ass Dog Owner blog hop. Let the hilarity ensue.

Oh no don’t get her started we’d be here all day. Great idea. Have a marvellous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
Oh boy, this will be one funny blog hop! We will have to get thinking on what to post.
I’m so there! Now which one do I choose!!
And can we get these made up as stickers, then when we find a winner we can present them with a sticker to wear so that all other dog owners know??
THAT wild be a FUNNY butt SCARY thingy…
BOL! Sounds like fun! I’m there!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
LOL…here we go, should be a blast!
Oh man, I could write a whole book about DADOs. By their very nature (i.e. ‘clueless’) you can’t even begin impress upon them the ‘error of their ways’ or communicate in any known language. Sigh. But this hop should be entertaining at the very least. Happy ‘Moanday!’
I think this is one of the most PAWTASTIC ideas EVER……..going to do my BEST to pawticipate!
Love this idea. Hope no one thinks I am a DADO!
We will join – I have some stories from my days working at an animal hospital. Although, some of the stories are just plain heartbreaking. 🙁
Oh man… I had an encounter recently with a dumbass who had just trespassed across my land and then his bad dog was threatening my dog. I’ll save the story but you hit a nerve!
Interesting idea for a hop. 🙂
oh I can’t wait to read everyone’s stories. I really like the term dumb-assery’s!
I think I’ll share about the neighbor from decades ago. I could tell plenty of others; but I don’t want to risk a particular person recognizing her/himself and taking it out on my girls.